
Ma chéries!
What job sites do you recommend?
I want to leave this nightmare behind.

  • 12
    Glassdoor, LinkedIn Jobs, SO Jobs, GitHub Jobs, Hired

    That's all I can recall
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    angel.co is where I got my first and second jobs!
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    @ausername you forgot one, the contact us form or jobs page for companies you want to work at.

    Good luck @root!
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    @C0D4 oh yeah that's pretty good too
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    @leksyib I just looked it up, thanks for sharing that!
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    @ausername you're welcome!
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    @Root good luck and I hope you find a great job! You absolutely deserve better! 🤗
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    Good luck! Also 📍
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    Don't mean to sound snobby here but I like to help people learn français. In this case you should use the plural "mes" instead of the singular "ma" because you are speaking to more than one person. Good luck on the job hunt! :)
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    @Noobish The only real sentence I can say in French is "I don't speak French," so 😅
  • 7
    @Root That's a start!

    Here are some swear words to improve your vocabulary!
    - Putain (Fuck)
    - Va te faire foutre (fuck you)
    - Va te faire enculer (go fuck yourself)
    - Connard (arsehole)
    - Ferme ta gueule (shut the fuck up)

    And a more exotic one:
    - Enculeur de mouches (fly fucker)

    (I would be a great French teacher for children)
  • 3
    @Jilano Hmm, I'd rather say "merde" for fuck, but I'm not a native French speaker (or a French speaker at all, for that matter) so there's that :/
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    @Condor I would say that both could work, but might be wrong! Haha

    No worries, I do like to shout "putain" as I would with "fuck" too
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    Google foobar?
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    @Root Don’t know if it’s strong in Europe but I’ve had excellent luck in the US with Indeed.com
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    @Condor In quebec we often say "putain de merde". Best of both worlds! :) which literally translates to shit fuck
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    @ewpratten invite-only 😞
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    @Condor Also Google. lol
    Unlocked it years ago and never wanted it.

    The challenges were fun, though
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    @Condor I have invite codes to give out.
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    @ewpratten ooo, in that case I'd love to try it out 😁 I don't have any experience with Python or Java but it should be fun!
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    @Condor send me an email (ewpratten+foobar@gmail.com)

    I will get you a link.
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    @Condor I did not receive an email. I'm not sure why.
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    @ewpratten perhaps I should've requested a delivery notification :P
    That said, I'm pretty sure that foobar doesn't work with universal invitation links, haha. But a man can try, right?
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    @Condor no. It doesn't. I was given two single use codes when I completed the challenge.

    I was going to give you one of them.

    Is there another way I can send it to you?
  • 2
    @ewpratten hmm, <insert my username here> at nixmagic.com.. that should bring it straight to my inbox. Please do not share that mailbox with anyone else though, it'd be a pain in the ass to have to migrate my current internal mailbox to another one, as it's got PGP keys, login information and everything linked to it as well.
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    @Jilano @Noobish AYY! other french speakers!
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    @digitaldina *waves with cheese and bread*
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