
Fucking hell, don't let them get to devrant...

  • 39
    sudo fuck me
  • 45
    @wowotek sudo hug me*

    Be respectful!
  • 34
    What the gently caress
  • 21
    @jespersh going to start calling people huggers instead of fuckers now
  • 10
    @jespersh if that happens I will literally spontaneously combust and hugging die I don’t wanna live in that world
  • 10
    @lxmcf straight up I’m not swearing anymore it’s like wholesome but also not wholesome at the same time it’s perfect
  • 29
    In Hindi, 'hug' with the same pronounciation also means 'to shit'.
  • 6
    Looks like team @SJW are taking over the world 😣
  • 8
    @C0D4 lol do you truly think people who basically just believe in civil rights don’t swear

    If you do well youve got another hugging thing comin!
  • 6
  • 12
    @baeovvulf I dont, but there’s a difference between civil rights and being offended by things for the sake of being offended.
  • 10
    Go hug yourself buddy. Hug you so much, you motherhuger
  • 12
    Waiting for browsers and search engines to ban websites with f-word.
    Also github should add pre commit hook for swearing.

    Let’s make world a better place with puppies and unicorns.

    Going further let’s ban grey colors as they are sad and we don’t like to be sad.

    Sad is bad.
  • 6
    @vane get hugged
  • 12
    Imagine conversations like "
    I guess they hugged and she got pregnant"
  • 5
    What have they done to Linus?!
  • 5
    @thevariableman probably he hugged her hard
  • 3
    @athlon they have broken a god. What happened to the Rockstar developer life?

    We got so much from not caring!
  • 10
    Imma hug you
  • 1
    Hug my life..

    Doesn't quite feel the same..
  • 4
    @tokumei ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhaha
  • 2
    Hugging pussies
  • 3
  • 0
    I like the rant, I think to solve the problem, we have to be informed of it. We should spread the word to everyone.
  • 2
    1. sees amp, FUCK
    2. sees tux stretched out, FUCK
    3. sees new pixel's navigation bar, FUCK
  • 0
    @CozyPlanes side note, I only use the new navigation because of how buggy YouTube is when minimising the app with the old navigation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 7
    I don’t know what to think about this news now.
  • 4
  • 0
    @vane that is actually part of a serious problem with dumbing down vocabulary.
    I can just see the next generation of teen girls impregnated because well hugging makes babies or so they are told and they didn't hug!
    It's an extreme and silly example but the confusion and ignorance (or at least not well informed) is not.
  • 0
    su root; fsck;
  • 1
    @wowotek isn't 'sudo fuck' technically rape?
  • 0
    @Sefie oh damn i didn't think about it. Yes it is
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