GOT finale today. Any predictions?

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    My prediction is there won't be an iron throne at the end
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    Millions of people will obsess over quite possibly the most overrated show ever.

    That's mine
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    HBO will be acquired by Disney by 2024 😂
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    my prediction is millions of people will enjoy it, but some people that are either not nice or just going through a bad time will try to ruin the fun for the rest with unsolicited comments on line
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    @erandria If you use the "@" symbol, you can tag who you're talking about without looking like a wuss.

    Hardly call it "unsolicited" since they posted it on an app and asked for input, but sure big chief. my two cents is unsolicited bc I don't suck this show's dick like the masses. 👌🏻
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    @Stuxnet what a pleasant person you are!
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    @erandria very.

    If you don't like my levels of pleasantry, that's your problem.
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    @Stuxnet And there's no shortage of even more wonders: if one clicks on "reply" button in the comment one is replying to instead of using the general "add comment" button, then the @-thing will be inserted automatically.

    That's pro-h4xx0r level, isn't it?
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    @Stuxnet yeah well, I didn't tag you because I wasn't talking about you, if you think I did that's your problem.

    let's just block each other, you too @Fast-Nop
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    @erandria I call utter bullshit on you not talking about me, but sure chief.

    You do you 👋🏻
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    @Fast-Nop Holy shit can you hax my friends Facebook and Snapchat?!?!!
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    @vane Haahahah facts
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    @Stuxnet hahaha true though
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    @erandria right??? all those "i belong to the n% of people who never watch GOT hair flip ahahhah
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    @Stuxnet Sure I could, but that would require you to admit not only having friends, which would be bad enough in itself, but even ones on Facebook!!1111oneoneelevenandapinkelve
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    @careless that post about the 1% is just as annoying as people posting unnecessary amounts of GoT dick sucking shit (looking at you BarstoolSports).
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    @careless Not only that I don't watch GoT, I don't even think Emma Watson is that hot.
    Yes, I know. But I don't watch that either.
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    All will die
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    So am I the only one who don't watch Game of Thrones?
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    Wow this got toxic. If you don't like something, give reasons, instead of being an angry little phallus-obsessed monkey
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    @TheyCallMeMJ damn you people really do be scared to tag who you're trying to call out.

    That's pathetic
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    Oh just noticed there's an ongoing war in the comments. Gotta eat some popcorns. Ok continue the war
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    @Devnergy Hardly call it a war lol.

    People just didn't like me answering the post with my opinion, which was asked for.

    🤷🏻‍♂️ It's how it be
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    Everyone will die
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    Books are written well.
    Never watched the show.

    I suppose I did see Daenerys in some porn, though, if that counts?
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    @oreru 😅
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    @oreru @Root Just Googled the name and saw a pic.

    I'mma need a link for research purposes please lmao
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    Spoilers, spoilers everywhere before I can watch it.
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    @TheyCallMeMJ hahahhahaa
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    @Root they also say that Stannis is portrayed way better in the books vs the series

    And yes that counts ahahaha
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    @Stuxnet everything is not about you... And no one is scared here...
    Grow up kiddo...
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    @C0D4 just watched it mate. Thanos died
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    @Devnergy I was surprised to see Dr strange against the night king, dint expect that!
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    @Devnergy thanos made a great entrance riding in next to the night king, didn't expect that.
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    @C0D4 but did ant man crawl in his asshole and expand? If not, I'm not interested 🤷🏻‍♂️
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    @Stuxnet well at about 45 minutes in, he jumped in and.... you'll have to wait for this sponsored ad break 😂
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