
I'm falling in love with Angular right now.

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    Angular is fine. Watch our for the completely and totally non-biased blobs of top enterprise level opinions that you are gonna get for liking it though.
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    Angular is so nice. I use it for almost all new projects now.
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    @AleCx04 I see :D Not arguing against no arguments tho
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    But vue is sooo good. Lol
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    @codenameszjames Still need to try that one :P
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    @olback dude, how??
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    @react-guy What do you mean, how?
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    @DeWil It's like all the good things from react and angular 1.x all rolled in to one.
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    @olback I thought that my pseudonym would be enough but : I tried angular, I tried react. And react is sooo much better IMHO. So: how can you like angular?

    (obviously trolling, in case someone has doubts)
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    @react-guy My experience was the exact opposite 😂
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    @DeWil To be fair, I tried angular when it was transitioning from v1 to v2, not the best time to try it.

    I also gave it another chance, with Ionic. I'm not sure about angular, but I can tell for sure that Ionic deserve to burn in the worst place in hell. And it would not be enough.

    So yeah, I'm biased. But aren't we all?
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    I'm going to try react native very soon (freelance mission). So maybe my opinion will change, who knows.
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    @react-guy what's terrible about Ionic? I've never used it but I'm considering using it for an upcoming project.
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    @Kage for Android dev : not much, provided you know angular well.
    But for iOS... My god it's a PITA
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    @react-guy never worked with Angular personally. I'm having a look at flutter & xamarin atm
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