You might have seen servers running XP, but have you ever seen a car running CE?

  • 26
    This also reminds me that, I've come across ATMs that are using Windows 7 :)
  • 2
    @Alice banking hardware running CE seems festive
    Wow, it just blows my mind if I even see win 7 being used somewhere at this point
  • 10
    This is beautiful. I mean, it's a looming disaster but the concept of server on wheels is beautiful. Now I want one.
  • 2
    @Alice Germany seems like a gold mine for security auditors
    Also do they not have to follow any regulations?
  • 7
    I mean, its op's fault for buying a hyundai
  • 0
    @Alice i saw 2 with win 7 in germany
  • 6
    @Pickman imagine running a mobile honeypot server lmao
  • 4
    @ganjaman I legit haven't seen a Hyundai car in years, it's like finding a BlackBerry in the wild
  • 10
    @justasithlord they are somewhat popular here cause a i30 costs half of a golf. The real catch is, it costs that much because its not actually a car, its a pair of bikes, glued together.
  • 3
    @justasithlord come to Korea home of Hyundai, bunch of it hehe
  • 4
    @Alice oh my God that's horrible, over here in India they are finally working on a data privacy draft which probably would take couple years
    Come to think of it, I'm not sure if there are any user data storage standards here either
  • 4
    @ganjaman hey don’t be hatin on glued-together bikes now.
  • 6
    Ford Sync 1 and 2 are Adobe Flash running on WinCE.

    Not really a surprise.
  • 1
    @Alice that's not entirely true. There are standards due to EU regulations but they're not enforced.
  • 1
  • 1
    @irene automotive and so forth 🙃
  • 6
    @Alice here, in Brazil, government sites has their SSL expired and no one fix that. But you still have to use their websites to almost everything. So every now and than you have to ignore all security rules to send your sensitive information open to them.
  • 3
    pwning time:)
  • 3
    @Alice Things are bad anywhere.

    Here the population doesn't have self-respect. People are "nice" at pubs with others, but only to chat. As a general rule, everyone wants to get a way (legal or illegal) to have advantages over others. It's very easy to find people that doesn't pay for electricity, even knowing the rest of population will need to pay more. No respect on lines, or with others. Traffic is horrible, as anyone does what do they prefer. Not only that, it's a extremely violent place. And polititions follow this rule. When someone is caught, there is always a "poor me" history or a "everyone does that" excuse.

    And this make us think we are in a broken place and any of the big countries will be almost perfect. We lose this sense of what might happen or what is just one more of the broken things we only see here.

    So it is very interesting to read these things happening at Germany. Not good, but it is curious to read that.
  • 2
    @Alice my TV receiver runs Linux, but my provider has a tendency to violate GPL
  • 0
    @Alice sending login data in get is not a security risk. They’re as protected as POST
  • 2
    @Pickman > server on wheels
    now imagine a flying router... oh wait, they are called drones and they usually have telnet, ssh and a file server
  • 0
    @Alice oh yeah, I forgot about that.
  • 1
    @Alice Germany has a large part of the population that barely understand what a computer or the internet is. Nobody enforces those laws because nobody whos in charge understands them. "Das internet ist Neuland"
  • 0
    @Alice isn't Germany the Linux nation?
    I was raised knowing that in Germany, government uses Linux.
  • 0
    @Alice @purpletoxicrain the most things in the gouvernment are windows based.
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