Whoever at Zoom decided that this button needed to be at this location on the Touch Bar ought to be fired.

Out of a cannon.

Into the sun.

Or at the very least doomed to have their desktop or webcam shared at random times during sensitive meetings. It is for the grace of God that the client didn’t catch me straining to hear the awful acoustics in their conference room.

  • 12
    What the hell.
    Next there's going to be a "share personal information with website" button that takes up the left half of the spacebar.
  • 2
    It would be better if it was a "stealth mode" button, or maybe a PANIC button
  • 1
    Self-destruct would be best
  • 1
    I'm so disappointed in Apple. The touch bar isn't optional, which means there's no 15" MacBook pro with an escape key and F keys, which means they've lost my business indefinitely
  • 0
    I never use native software for video conferencing on Mac I always use the chrome version unless I need to screenshare
  • 0
    You can edit it. Any app that exposes Touch Bar data can be configured.

    Somewhere in the menu and preferences for the app will be a Touch Bar configuration.

    You can reorder them / remove them etc.
  • 0
    @Brolls I know. But this was my first time using this app, and those are some godawful defaults.
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