How where you able to get over a breakup? 😭

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    @Froot I have never taken alcohol 😭
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    Alpha male strategies
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    Time, Booze and more Time.
    And trust me, when you think your over it, the first time.
    You aren't, you've still a long way to go.
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    Crying. Talking. Time with friends. Time alone. Time.
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    @SukMikeHok I disagree on that, all I‘ve seen so far from those sorts of videos and people is that „get buff and fuck everything that moves“-type of mindset. I agree with @metamourge and @ihatecomputers
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    @possum I'm with you on that, healing should come first instead of just suppressing the pain.

    When that's done tho, OP: feel free to get buff and plow babes for all the right reasons if you still feel like doing that.
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    Get laid all you can.
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    Also all three.
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    Don't think on it too much. Do think on it, cry, have some ice cream, try to remember that it wasn't all good.

    And then stop doing that. You can't do just that. Play some video games, invest heavily in a project you enjoy, hang out with friends!

    But don't hang out with friends too much. It's easy to not want to be alone with your thoughts. But they don't go away until you confront them. Learn to be happy when you're alone. Get a massage or just wander the mall, get some cinnabon. Anything. But try not to be alone all the time. That's how depression fosters.

    I know, it seems like endless contradictions. But it gets better, it takes some time, but you'll be fine.
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    Find something to take your mind off of it. It’s a temporary release but it’s worth it and like most people have said, time is the biggest healer. So reading a book, playing video games, programming something you enjoy, etc. Reading is great because it puts your mind in a different place (I recommend fantasy as my personal favorite).
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    Crying, travelling
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    Start practicing leet code problems
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    Not at all!
    Perhaps that's because I never experienced an actual breakup rather than just a sudden flatline in contact...
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    Work and hobbies. All-in
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    Fuck her. Not literally.
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    Fucked her best mate
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    ...... life ain't that short to get sad on this kind of things, I mean if it's really long relationship like 4-5year+ then I can agree that things might get critical as we are used to them but it's same, you will learn eventually living w/o them.

    Maybe even you will laugh on this after few years? xD
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    When my relationship broke, I cried for a week and then, I promised myself that I will treat myself right. I didn't play any sports ever but I brought a basketball and started to learn. A month after that I brought a guitar with my savings and started to learn music. The times I used to spend with her before I started to spend with myself. Whenever I felt lonely or felt like crying, I grabbed a book and read until I felt asleep. I made new friends, spent time with my family. Anything I loved to do, needed or wanted to do, I did it. You have to decide yourself, how much will you love yourself. :) I learned.
    3years have passed and I am happy. And I am not angry with her nor have any regrets. It was because of that I am here now. And I am happy.
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    @zombieleet what? How old are you?
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    Play games
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    @KartSriv Doesn't say much.
    I'm 17.
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    @zombieleet dafuuq. How does one make it to 23 without trying alcohol? I'm not making fun, I'm genuinely intrigued.
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    @Froot Religion or self-righteousness.
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    @Nanos never have I ever seen poverty stop alcoholism. Usually there's an inverse relation 😀
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    @telephantasm Religion 😂 and fear of getting drunk
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    I traded for a newer and better model. Also, alcohol.
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    Hm. Cooking... And then my friends usually "kidnap" me... Mostly because my cooking becomes increasingly violent and disturbing. Still tasty.

    The last time I broke a pan... After "violating" (Not my choice of words) a schnitzel. The welded join was torn...

    Oh. And when you put a chair outside the flat with 3-5 kg of Fresh baked Cookies, the neighbors get weird btw.

    (I cannot handle emotional stress very good, I'm more a rational Person... Breakups are very stressful)
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    @Nanos maybe to someone who thinks as responsibly as that, in which case there’s a good chance they aren’t poor. However, I’d say the snoring of homeless people spend most of their money on booz or drugs and a lot of people remain poor because they spend all their extra money on booz or drugs. So being poor definitely has no influence on it lol. I’m sure if you looked at some statistics you’d see that the lower the economic class, the higher the drug and alcohol abuse goes. In no way am I saying this applies to every homeless or poor person though. There are plenty who have had bad luck, mental illnesses, bad childhood, etc
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    @M1sf3t I changed my mind. Fuck her mum
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    Play some shooting game to release your anger
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    Why breakup when you can just sleep with hookers and have meaningless one night stands?
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