
So, I have been offered two jobs at the same company (big, global corp)

1. RPA coordinator or operator or business analyst. Completely new to me, they're happy with my background enough so that I could learn on the job. RPA is new in this place and they're creating team from scratch.

2. Member of IT security team where most of my work would be split between things that interest me greatly - vulnerabilities, fixing them and pen testing.

I'm not sure what to pick, really.

Option 1 seems to be way more future proof and seems like a lifetime opportunity to get into something relatively new, potentially more ££ down the road.
Option 2 is what I already spent some time learning and I have quite a big interest in. I've always been less of a programmer and more of an admin/sec guy.

Tbh before option 1 called me yesterday I thought that option 2 is a dream job for me. Now I'm all in doubt.

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    I’d think about the team and the company as well as the job itself. But at the end of the day what matters most to me is if I really like what I am doing. That being said I would pick the security job if I was you.

    And why do you think IT Security is not future proof? Look around we digitalised almost everything and there always be need to protect it. I think IT Security is more secure and there is also big potential there. Just my 2 cents.
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    I also think that IT security is very well future proof and as for the money, quite good too.

    Probably it boils down to how far are you already in you IT security career.

    I also would try to understand the meaning of the roles offered to you..."Coordinator" vs "member of a team". And how would you "coordinate" without previous experience.

    And the excitement of being part of a new "something" from scratch.

    Good you have multiple options, though :-)
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    IMHO go for #2. Go within your passion, less problems with burning out and shit later down the line.

    My opinion, you asked, i anwsered.

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    Thanks all. Mistake in original post - I don't regard security as not being future proof.
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    I vote 2 just because I know that business analyst can mean various roles at different companies. My company it’s not a tech role at all.

    I would see if you can speak to a current employee that currently has each role. Just casually on the phone you are more likely to get a better view than the panel interview.

    As we know departments vary drastically in culture at big companies.
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    @katbreitin the business analyst would be traveling across the world analysing processes that could be automated. It wouldn't be purely technical but more people facing. I'm unsure, still got time to choose.
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    @cherkie Travel the world? That sounds amazing. Let us know what your decision?
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    @katbreitin @PappyHans @DubbaThony @deviloper picked the security job. Way more down my aisle, got the offer tendered today, money is great, I'm a second level specialist systems administrator in the IT security team. 4 levels in total, after that managerial positions. Quite a bit of room to grow.

    And in addition I have the door open for the RPA position as well.
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    Great stuff. Happy to hear you’re doing good
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    Great to see you successing and going after passion :)
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    @cherkie Good luck!

    Wish this app had DM’s - I have a few questions.
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