Why do programmers are introvert? 🤔

  • 12
    A rather broad generalisation you got there

    I'd say it's because you don't have to deal with other people as often as other professions, being behind my pc for most of my time allows me to focus and be alone with my thougths.

    Not that I don't work with clients or a team, it's just that the actual programming allows me to take a break from social interactions, thus allowing me to have some breathing room in between meetings and work parties
  • 7
    @alexbrooklyn it's broad for the most part, especially as the field keeps becoming more and more mainstream, however, there are still many with shit communication skills here.

    Just scroll through this community and you'll see it. Look at the typical post dealing with a dude liking a girl and you'll get a great example.
  • 5
    Because it's always been a lonely field.
    Social skills until recent years have not been a large requirement - so it's a good industry for it.

    But that being said, times are be changing and introverts will need to pull them selves out of their bubbles at some point.
  • 3
    @Stuxnet Most definitely. It's scary that some people don't realise how creepy they can be.
  • 5
    @Jilano some people do know they are creepy, but it's the internet. Im saying things here I dont say IRL because Ive been accused of sexual assault by one of my best friends. Bitch sat down next to me on a bench exactly where I had my fucking hand.
    Yep thats a sexual assault claim. My new best friend finds strange that besides a casual hug I avoid to touch her.

    Its the only place to let of steam.
  • 5
    @Codex404 some know, but I wholeheartedly believe most of these people don't have a fucking clue.
  • 3
    @Stuxnet (reaction to your first comment) introvert and good communication skills are not always going hand in hand.

    Im as introvert as can be I dont like chitchat, I don't like phonecalls but I am, according to many, a really good communicator. I do communicate necessary things and dont when its not needed
  • 2
    @Codex404 doesn't always, but yet again, very very often lol
  • 4
    wHy dO PrOgRaMmErS ArE InTrOvErT? 🤔
  • 3
    Because usually, the actual, day to day "writing code" part of the job is one that's best done when you're on your own, isolated from the environment you're in with headphones etc. and have the headspace to figure out how best to tackle the problem.

    Sure, there's meetings, code reviews, etc. - but the actual *development* is almost always done alone. Pair programming is the only exception,and that's rarely done in practice.
  • 3
    Better question, why people can't stop thinking that being an introvert is a bad thing.. I think is annoying when extroverts think that they are doing a favor to you, forcing awkward situations for you
  • 2
    You clearly have not met me when drunk... Or sober for that matter
  • 3
    @roger yet at the same time introverts that think they're unique and quirky are just as annoying 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
  • 5
    Now that's a grammar malfunction I never thought I would do have seen, been, has... whatever!
  • 4
    @electrineer WhY Do InTrOvErTs aRe pRoGrAmMeRs?
  • 2
    I'd say it's the other way around: Introvert people rather get into programming, 'cause they're rather the one's spending their time at home doing stuff at their PC. But of course, you shouldn't generalize too much there!
  • 1
    I'm not sure that saying "devs are lonely because we must work alone to be efficient" is a clue at all.

    Yes most programmer tend to work on their own for long period. But the more devs you have the more you will interact. It's just normal to interact less if your the only guy to know your stuff, others couldn't help.

    But mainly, I don't think devs are the only ones in this situation. Basically if we excludes job fundamentally correlated to chatting with others, like management. All kind of technical profession will work on its computer alone for long period of time if there isn't other people who at least have the competence to chat.

    So for any engineering job, if you're in a reduced team you will have to handle the full stack and may work alone. If your in a bigger team, tasks will sparse between them and thus they will have to work together.

    I'm in a 25 people devs team, and there are clearly some of us more lonely than others, but only a few.
  • 1
    For me it's more an historical problem. dev is a relatively new job, so yes when companies start seeking a fundamentalmy new technology they don't hire an entire army.

    Then for exemple decades ago one dev guy come up in a fully established 20 people car designers team all with their skills but so specialized because the job is well established that they all need to interact to make the job done. While on the other hand, the new IT guy handle its own stack.

    Guess who seems lonely

    This will slowly change as team grows up, but established stereotypes won't help.
  • 1
    It's not a characteristic of all programmers, get out of the stereotype. U.u
  • 1
    The question should be: why introvert people tend to become programmers/geeks?
  • 0
    I'm not introverted.
  • 1
    Does Bruno Mars is gay?

    I really hope someone knows the reference or I’m gonna look retarded
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