
I've just been pre-diagnosed with clinical depression. MRI and couple other things is needed to clarify things out but taking pills is imminent.

I just hope it's a journey to my true self and guilt-free life

  • 2
    Good luck, and remember: Always stay positive! :)
  • 7
    @12bitfloat I think you - like many others - miss the point of what chronical depression is.
  • 0
    I don't have clinical depression, I have bipolar. However, this book helped me. I still take meds, but my dosage is low. It is more aimed at people with clinical depression.

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    @JoshBent it's "clinical"
  • 0
    @JoshBent Maybe, but from experience (personal and from friends) I can tell you that always trying to stay positive (not forcing it, actually trying to see the positive side of things) can help a lot
  • 1
    @12bitfloat That's...not how it works.
  • 0
    @PrivateGER That's what helped me out of my depression. The worst thing you can do is handle depressed people as some sort of special, delicate flower if their depression is directly related to social issues making them feel isolated... Just treat us as normal people and maybe listen to our problems
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    Yes, may be, but definitely not out of a clinical one.
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    @uyouthe isn't clinical a consequence of chronical, I don't see your point?
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    @JoshBent I don't know, and also this is the point where I don't exactly care. I'm not a psychiatrist, and my doctor (MD-PhD) never mentioned it being "chronical". It still can be tho but that's not what I want to think about. I just want to get out of it
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    @uyouthe you corrected it and forced that kind of question.
  • 1
    @JoshBent Remember the bit about staying nice?
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    @12bitfloat it was a simple fact, and don't tag me with your bullshit, thanks.
  • 1
    @JoshBent Don't make a big deal out of it then, jeez
  • 1
    @12bitfloat I told you to piss off lol, you were absolute degenerately delusional a second ago, stop trying to teach me, your opinion is worthless to me.

    Edit: I stated a simple fact to what prompted my response, don't need your dumb shit following me piss on.
  • 2
    @JoshBent You're obviously a very stable human being
  • 2
    Tags are important here.
  • 0
    @electrineer Now I'm just confused
  • 0
    @electrineer Wait, is javascript like prescription to java?
  • 3
    @Demolishun prescription of java would be scriptjava, so it's actually postscription.
  • 3
    @Demolishun Yeah works like a headshot against headache.
  • 3
    @12bitfloat You preach about being nice, yet you're anything but. Get off your ego, and go away.

    Also, please tell us more about "being positive". I'm sure it will work wonders on suicidally depressive people. I mean, it's their fault for being depressed, it's easy, just be positive. Damn, why didn't they think about it, it's so simple?!

    Comments like those are as helpful as "do better" to someone trying to improve, and a lot more condescending and annoying.
  • 2
    Thanks to cortisone treatment I had an severe form of depression....

    Insomnia, unable to concentrate, diificulties with memories and a whole batch of more or less severe symptoms related to that. Worst phase of my live. Worst thing was that it was corrctly diagnosed after 2 1/2 years...

    Thanks to the fact that there were too many symptoms and too much fallout. At the end a specialist in endokrinology was able to solve the case.

    So... Stick ur positive thoughts far up your arse.

    Severe forms of depression lead to severe disorder in the hormone system which itself leads to a whole new batch of symptoms....

    In my case I was lucky... After a year of medication and therapy it became much better. All in all, 3 years of being a zombie :(

    Wish you all the best... Hope the meds and therapy can at least ease the symptoms.
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    @Quirinus it sounded unintentional, that's what I meant by saying many others do it too

    might not change the fact that you are - even if unintentionally - making things worse / annoying

    Edit: my aggressive response was when he started stepping on my toes with a saints bullshit, not because of his initial comment
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    Thank you all guys
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    To be fair, trying to change your way of thinking can help, but it can be hard and backfire if you do it by yourself. Professional help, as in a talking therapy + meds is what helps.

    After years of not going to a doctor, I finally went, and meds helped immensely, along with the talking. A lot depends on the doctor too, luckily, my first doctor was good, unlike my second one, and she even got meds that work from the first try.

    Also, when I felt down (more than usual), i did the little things that help. I also learned that it will be better in these situations, since the mood has its ups and downs, this helped me go through the rough patches, but not sure how it works for others. Theres many things that help, but I wont go on preaching.
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