During an interview today for angular:

In the last section of interview female staff:
She : Do you have a girlfriend?
Me : Nop
She : Why do not you have a girlfriend? Guys at your age has girlfriends.

Me : ( Died inside )

Boost me up.. #cod4 , #Root . Whoever over there.. Boost my confidence

  • 34
    Totally inappropriate.

    I've also seen ranters complaining of the opposite response to this -- interviewers saying: "you shouldn't have a wife/girlfriend becuase it detracts from your career!"

    Screw off. Your career isn't your life, people. And if it really is, find someone who can build your career with you.
  • 7
    That's some super slipshod behavior. If the company is that clueless, I'd run away from them as fast as possible.
  • 3
    Did she also teach you how to wipe your ass? I finna would of reporter her to HR ASAP!
  • 14
    Do you have a dog and walk backward ?
    You should have a dog and walk backward or you won’t fit company culture. All here are walking backwards with their dogs.

    Here is your clown hat. Be sure to have it always on when you’re in the office.
  • 1
    @vane fully cackled
  • 1
    But seriously this is total bullshit. I am beyond beautiful, a total catch and currently sans female. Tell them to go suck a dick.
  • 1
    Actually maybe not the last part.
  • 7
    eeeeverybody hold THE fuck up. It does not have to be necessarily mean and shit, nor does every interaction with other human beings warrant the AUTOMATIC fucking idea that someone is out to get you, remember: human beings are strange creatures when it comes to interaction. At least most of them. Now, OP, was she saying it in a condescending put you down manner? Be honest with that, one thing is for you to have no confidence(not your fault, nor am I getting at you bud, we can go ahead and talk on telegram and I guaranfuckingtee I can make you realize the fucking badass mfker you are without knowing it) or did it look like regular casual conversation? It might be strange to us, but not to that person. I've had people ask me some other strange questions before, at interviews or other situations, this is your chance to shine and play the role for the appropriate response. Me? I would've asked if she was interested. Just to fuck with her head and play on her own game.
  • 2
    @rickh if he does, and she does he might have a girlfriend.

    @sandeepbalan Was the girl interviewing you possibly hitting on you?
  • 1
    What an asshole.
  • 2
    @AleCx04 it's none of her fucking business, though
  • 2
    @electrineer granted my eloquent friend, I am merely suggesting not to take it as a personal hit and take it on the offensive. Specially on something as minimal. Charisma is worth something, class is another.
  • 9
    @halfflat illegal in Canada.

    Once I had an interviewer ask “Is your wife hot?”
    I said, “I don’t think that is relevant to the job.”
    He said, “If she wasn’t hot you wouldn’t have married her right?” I stared him down. Then he followed with, “A big part of the interview is how you fit into the culture here.”

    To which I replied, “I’m sorry that i don’t seem easy going. My wife suffers from a rare rapid degenerative disorder and she has been slowly dying in front of my eyes for the last two years. Every moment more painful than the last for her. Her face makes a permanent twisted expression and her body is nothing but skin, bones, and muscle atrophy. Her beauty is gone and all I have left are occasional moments of lucidity when the painkillers are wearing off.”

    He waited a few moments then said, “Shit. That is terrible.” Interview continued. I declined the job when it was offered.

    In reality yes my wife is hot.
  • 2
    Let me guess. India?
  • 0
    @AleCx04 Yes. You are right. It was not mean and shit. Also Its my mistake I forget to mention this one came after the technical round.

    So she does not have to do anything with technical stuffs. She wants to know how I respond to certain questions.
    [ But the thing is after my answers she just came clean and said she was expecting cliche answers from people of my age about their weekend plans, marriage concepts , girlfriend concepts . But I was kinda different]

    My personal stuffs are more valuable than my technical knowledge . So I cant give it away like to a total stranger. I also want to know other person as well if i am being open with them. You know to get the rhythm going.

    I wanted to ask her out if she is interested since i am currently not seeing anyone .

    But since its an interview also I am looking for a job change so badly and also she seemed a little bit older than me ( turns out 2-3 years older . I only got that at the end) I didn't ask anything inappropriate.
  • 2
    Nevertheless I decided start asking her personal questions whenever i get chances. About her weekend plans , Marital status (That's where I get her age), where she lives,

    I actually like farming ,like i am interested if i do not do tech. Like a plan B.
    She was like "what the actual fuck" , She say that in a polite way .

    She got more curios when i started talking about my interests in Universe itself, space exploration , human body anatomy
  • 1
    Missed opportunity to say:
    "Coz I don't have a job".

    Seriously though some people just talk like that without knowing that it's weird for other people.

    She also could just have been flirting with you (and failing).

    EDIT: D'oh! just saw your comment. Guess she wasn't flirting but hey, she wasn't being condescending right? So, win!
  • 0
    @Root Is it normal to mess up career with personal life around the planet?
  • 1
    @halfflat @monkeyboy @Superviral @vane @Santaclauze @Nanos @rickh @351483773 @Codex404 @electrineer
    I just commented with some more updates . Check it out. Let me know the thoughts
  • 0
    @Nanos we got too close during the interview and told me that this is for knowing me better and also she told about her career path as well .

    At first i thought she is way experienced and older than me. At the end after hearing her career and i calculated myself.
  • 3
    That's HR digging for information they aren't supposed to know.
    I'd make that very clear, and not tell anything under any circumstances, neither yes or no. It's none of their fucking business.
  • 1
    @AleCx04 and that’s how you get fired bro 👀💀
  • 0
    @kescherRant It was kinda new experience by the way. No regrets whatsoever
  • 2
    @Superviral :P for a job he doesn't yet have? unlikely :P
  • 1
    @AleCx04 well we both know what’ll happen during the interview 😉
  • 1
    Tell them you have AIDS and watch em squirm. Doesn’t sound like a good place to work, so it would be worth it
  • 3
    A perfect response would have been...

    Are you offering to be my girlfriend?

    But no one thinks of that in the moment...ever
  • 1
    @Plasticnova That does not make any sense to me. Its not a fairy tale . Its real life.
  • 0
    @katbreitin My man. But let's say i am gonna ask something for sure if i get to see them again.
  • 2
    @sandeepbalan you have some strange fairy tales
  • 0
    @Plasticnova Oh wait . You were joking with "AIDS" part. right? I didnt get it at first.
  • 0
    @Nanos If you are confident enough you can even call your comany C A N C E R.
  • 4
    Hello, thanks for calling the Center for Unified Network Technologies, or CUNT
  • 0
    Update: They enquired details to send me a call letter today
  • 0
    @jennytengsonM and you took the job?
  • 0
    @jennytengsonM Nice. And you left there
  • 0
    i'm a programmer, i don't like wasting time on boilerplate stuff.
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