A client I've been working with was supposed to pay me for $710, a pay for my two-month work for two of his projects.

He called me today saying that he could only pay $179 and that I need to wait for my unpaid salary. This guy is a friend of mine and he lowkey gives me access to his Netflix account, so I don't really know how to feel.

Do I get mad? Do I laugh it off?

Any same experience here?

  • 26
    Why do people continue to work for friends?

    Working for friends is almost always a ticking time bomb
  • 16
    There's this little thing called a contract, big word for some people but VERY important when dealing with clients, especially people you know.

    Chase his ass, and stop using his Netflix as he will use that as a bargaining chip.
  • 11
    Netflix: $12/mo
    project: -$300/mo

    totally worth it, mate! /s

    imo you gave him the 'friendly' part by agreeing to do the job for a low price. Not keeping your posture and not trying to be a respectful professional [who gets paid for the services he provides] in front of your friends will only make matters much, MUCH worse.

    You have made an agreement. If you've kept your part of the deal allowing him to not stick to his part makes you weak and not worth respect
  • 6
    I agree with the others

    A friend that renegades on a contract is not a good friend.

    They obviously consider your work to be of less value than their own and put very low value in your friendship.

    The only time its acceptable to delay like that is either if he lost his job unexpectedly or if you offered to do it for free and he insisted to pay as then its more like giving gifts.

    Always write a written contract. You can always renegotiate but you have some leverage if it turns out they don’t care about friendship.
  • 2
    Friend? Why? :D
  • 2
    Also, withhold the actual files delivery until payment.
  • 0
    I had a client quite recently, who wasn't even a friend, but got quite close as work progressed. He made the first payment ($1k+) more than a week late.
    I went through a breakup a week later, and continued working but chose not to communicate with the world for a week, relaying updates through a colleague instead.
    When I returned to talking, he kept bitching about my lack of communication for a week, and when I reminded him his payment has been pending for a week (again), he fucking terminated the contract on the spot.
    I use him as my free time fear email puppet. Threatening to report shit, but too lazy, and busy to actually do anything.

    You just gotta absorb some of this crap in this line, but keep moving on too. :) Best of luck!
  • 0
    How many hours is that $710?!
  • 0
    Does netflix put food on the table? ! Lol I guess that isn't your concern haha If it was I don't think you would forget to write up a contract!!! And stop working for friends. 😂😂
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