
Using your phone in Dutch trains is like trying to have sex during an earthquake.

Yes, I did have trouble typing this.

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    @shoop those Japanese ones are the only ones I've experienced sooooo :^)
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    @Tayo The Japanese people or the trains?
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    @alexbrooklyn both soon™
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    You just hold still and let the earth do the work.
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    @Haxk20 shifting the issue doesn't solve it
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    @Demolishun Best comment of the year so far on any forum.
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    Germany has a clever approach. Deutsche Bahn figured that people don't complain about train wifi if they just cancel the whole train.
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    @Fast-Nop not talking about wifi though 🤔

    The train just moves a lot
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    @Tayo That's the next thing: cancelled trains don't draw complaints because of movement. And they save energy. Triple-win. ^^
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    @Fast-Nop Northern Rail in the UK took the same approach.

    They just forgot to add the WiFi.
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    @Tayo The Northern Rail trains in the UK are nick named "nodding donkeys" for how much they move. They are literally buses on rails.
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    @cmarshall10450 OMG British Leyland.. they got the German nickname "Britisch Elend", which sounds quite similar and back-translates into "British Misery".
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    @Fast-Nop luckily I'm young enough to not be put through the ordeal that is "British Misery" but from what I've been told "Misery" is the Germans being very kind.

    They did do one good thing though. The Mini (now German owned) came from British Leyland.
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    This begs a comparison:

    which way is easier to type a message:
    a) in a train in Germany
    b) while having sex
    c) while having sex in a train in Germany during an earthquake
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    @netikras Germans don't have sex aboard German trains because that would violate the terms of carriage, and others don't have sex there either because the trains are disgustingly dirty.
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    @Fast-Nop what? It's against the rules?? You guys are soooo boring..

    When the nature calls dirt is the least of the problems!
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    @netikras B. The oscillation cancels each other out.
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    @Fast-Nop you can't have sex in a train if the train gets cancelled ✓
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    @netikras Germans and making love, that's like British and cars, or French and administration, or Indians and software, or US and taste.
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    I don't see the issue? When eartquake hits during physical indoor adult activities, you just get an extra vibrating sensation.
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