
For those who want the esc key back
You can buy the iEsc adapter for $99.99

  • 6
    The escape key is still there. It's a OLED that changes the keys. In the picture you see the functions for Apple Pay.
  • 14
    @zpook Yeah, Vim will be fun when suddenly Siri activates for no reason and you hit something else than Esc.
  • 5
    i'm so glad i didnt wait for the new mbp
  • 2
    And we call it iUsevim
  • 1
    methinks iphone-equality fingerprint reader on macbook is nice
  • 1
    I guess it will be rather weird at work to as for a XPS 13 and load it with ubuntu rather than to use standard equipment.
  • 3
  • 3
    But we still have caps lock and we still don't have A FUCKING TOUCH SCREEN WHAT THE HELL LAPTOP THAT COSTS OVER $1000 IN 2016 DOESNT HAVE A TOUCH SCREEN?! Ok I guess we do still need that caps lock.
  • 0
    @dontbeevil I use we with any company whose products I use regularly. I use iPhone because I like iPhone. I have a Mac for a company provided computer but I also have a Windows machine. I rarely need a touch screen but it's so ridiculous when $800 boxes have 180 degree fold and touch screen. It would certainly be useful at times. Apple has been refilling the same aluminum chassis with different bs since Jobs died. Still love the phones but the laptops are languishing.
  • 1
    Savage AF
  • 1
    @jeeper Nah. I have an old Surface Pro 1 and for my next laptop a touchscreen will be optional, no matter the price.
    It's just a waste of money, better look for a good touchpad.
  • 0
    @deadlyRants You <---------- the point. Apple's products have long cost a premium but it was ok because they had more features or the same features better implemented. This allowed them to be used in new and innovative ways. Apple has lost that edge and one glaring example of that is how far behind their physical laptop design, from the entry level to the top of the line, lags behind everyone else.
  • 1
    I still miss Steve.. Apple needs a product person as CEO again..

    I did put a $4k order in for the MBP though.. it seems great
  • 0
    Apple's new campaign... The iNeedAdapters
  • 0
    Why cannot Adobe migrate to Linux? I guess very soon the auditorium of Linux users will grow exponentially 😁
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