What do the new MacBook and a black hole have in common?

There's no Escape!

  • 3
    👏👏👏 have a ++ you mongrel
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    No escape? Just don't buy one and save yourself the trouble. Seriously, even you could see they're just ripping you off.
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    @enchance You didn't get the joke?
    The new macbook wont have esc key or function keys.
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    Why is Apple removing things for no apparent reason at all?
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    @thecrashman because the majority of the user base doesn't use the feature.
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    @davejlong Majority of the userbase never plays almost any game ever?
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    @juzles Holy dog crap! Hahaha I stand corrected.
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    @kwilliams I have never needed the function keys on games. Also they're not gone. On games they can now be labeled for what they actually do, but I guess that's just bullshit.
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    Well.. yes it will have ESC .. but the joke is funny so heres a ++ :)
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    @davejlong ESCAPE key is synonymous with Pause/Quit and the function keys will only work when the app is specifically designed for it.
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    @kwilliams Spc bar is synonymous with pause. Cmd+Q is synonymous with quit. People are angry that Apple is forcing people to innovate with them. If apps want to survive them they will add touch bar support.
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    @davejlong good luck playing any FPS or MMO ever which jump not bound to space bar...
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    I love that someone has ported Lemmings to the touch bar :D
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    I just need 10 more ++'s, the stress is killing me, could do with a stress ball toy :D
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