Hello world!
First time using this app, want a few suggestions from IT experts
I have been working in PHP since past 5 years and am quite good with it
But it's PHP and feel that there is no future in PHP, so what else should I take up?
Thinking to learn Django because I'm good with Backend development!
Any suggestions?
Thanks if you read it till here.

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    If you take Django, then you'll need to pump up Python, kind of obvi.
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    If you learn the concept there is no problem. If php suddenly die tomorrow , you could jump ship easily.

    Programming is problem solving, concept and logical thinking and language is just optional.
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    Php will mean you are generally the prototype/early iteration phase. If that's the work that interests you, it will be fine. If you want to do work in the follow on phases and productization rewrites, then you need to look elsewhere.
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    This is not best recommendation when choosing your next language but consider searching companies you are willing to work in your area. Look job postings and identify which langues they require most. I'm not trying to say "learn what they want or you wont find a job!" but just consider this also.
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    @SortOfTested I don't know where you are getting a that from but it is far from the truth or even an established fact.
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    Have you really been working with php? I have been with it since version 4 amd each iteration of it just makes it feel more established, mature and strong. The thing is, it is fairly simple to build absolute garbage with it, and one needs to really learn his stuff to use it to its full extent. To me there is no better platform for the web, and I know and enjoy several different stacks. My advice: stick to it, learn a proper paradigm of development and apply more advanced design patterns in what you use, mix them with proper PSR standards and use composer instead of downloading and patching files with bad requires everywhere. Check out also what they are bringing in with PHP8 and look at how great the benchmarks of php can be, specially whith swoole. The only reason to change to a new stack is to learn and expand your horizons, but php is and will continue to be a web scripting powerhouse
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    Php is far from falling under, sure NodeJS has a lot of noise around it as a replacement, but it's still immature and ridiculously unstable.

    as @mr-user said, don't get attached to a language, venture out and play with others, programming is about the logic concepts and thinking, more then it is about learning a language.

    If you know how to use 1 well, you shouldn't have much issue swapping to another, the only thing that really changes is the syntax and how to implement 3rd party libraries.

    PHP has paid my way through life, and it's probably a safe bet it will continue to do so for the foreseeable future, but that doesn't mean I can't jump into a Java / C#, Python/ NodeJS project and be on my way.
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    Don't let other people tell you what to do.

    I'm preaching this over and over.

    When you have fun with PHP, do PHP. There is no death of a programming language, as long as there are projects with a programming language.

    Even Cobol didn't die.

    Do what you like. Make experiences. Learn how / why the language is like it is. Study it's inner core - how does the language work?

    And when you feel like it, try other languages. If you like them, repeat same process.

    Do not fall into the trap to do stuff because it's hip.

    If you don't like it, just don't do it. Forcing yourself to to do stuff you don't like ends bad - for everyone involved.
  • 3
    It seems to be in the PHP industry. Every startup I see that can get away with it uses PHP and offshore company to do mvp as fast as possible, then guts it when they head into a growth phase. Facebook cut it, going so far as to write a new language to replace it. I went to NASA specifically to cut it and other legacy out of systems. I did the same for Lockheed, then Raytheon. We replaced systems using it at Exxon, Oxy and Rio Tinto. Google put a moratorium on its usage on its usage entirely. Amazon won't touch it.

    There might be some enterprise that still has PHP lying around, but they're definitely in the minority.

    Honest question, what's left outside of that? Hardscrabble self-hosted e-commerce and WordPress?
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    I cant really speak about PHP (we have some small apps we maintain. Anything new we do is using Flask.
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    @SortOfTested you've definitely worked in the top of the world league.

    I understand why these companies shifted from PHP. Even though I never worked there, do not know the the tech stack, but I think it's not wrong to say they are all in the top of the top.

    However: that's the thing....

    Top of the top.

    There are still a lot of companies out there, in the small to medium sized business, which use PHP.

    I guess it's talking about ant vs elefant in a metaphorical way.

    But you definitely have a hefty vita ;)
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    @SortOfTested I am really fascinated as to what was NASA doing on the web with php to begin with that would force them to do a shift to something else :P or any of the other companies you mentioned for that matter. Even I would not let heavy computations being given solely to PHP, I would really do rely on other stacks for that. But as far as it being a useful language for dynamic web I have not found issues with it whatsoever, no bottlenecks or no problems with scaling it. I will say that I don't really use frameworks other than pure design patterns and a variety of composer packages. I will admit that maybe my user base is not as big, I work for a local college and serve the entire student body with our applications as well as our staff, from intranet based applications, user management dashboard etc etc.

    My biggest issue, and what I can see people shifting away from: shit php devs. I have seen people shifting away from php for shit codebases rather than performance etc.
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