  • 4
    Awaits @Zoom's takedown lawsuits to begin!
  • 2
    This probably started out as a great app idea and that idea started with "Like Zoom but with emphasis on ..."
  • 5
    @hjk101 ... India.
  • 3
    @hitko was double meaning, too subtle for a joke (💬 is in foreground)
  • 0
    Reminds me of Discord and Hiven. Hiven looks almost exactly like Discord, but with Laravel bullshit in the backend.
  • 0
    Maybe they took advantage of Zoom's issues from a while ago...
  • 0
    And they are both bad...
  • 0
    Amusing, although it's not like the layout or design here is all that special or unique.
  • 8
    here's the founder
  • 2
    Why is it always India or China when something gets shamelessly ripped off
  • 1
    @12bitfloat Because intellectual property laws seem to work in a different way there.
  • 0
    Lol u should checkout JioChat its a complete whatsapp rip off with shit ads here and there.
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