* Urgent support ticket comes in.
* Switches to working on it.
* Urgent support ticket comes in.
* Switches team member to it.
* Urgent support ticket comes in.
* Gets dev team to help with it.
* Urgent support ticket comes in.
* Asks CEO to help on ticket.
* Urgent support ticket comes in.
* Cries.
* Urgent support ticket comes in.
* Prays to Mecca.
* Urgent support ticket comes in.
* ...

I then find out two more urgent support tickets are about to come in.

And then another one.


  • 24
    If they are all urgent, then none of them is.
  • 5
    You have to go one level deeper and order them by urgency
  • 2
    @gosubinit exactly. All it means now is that everything else is low priority. This is the new "normal" priority.

    @zombie01 indeed. I've also been working on the"which can I sort fastest" basis.
  • 1
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