Seriously, screw whoever at Apple decided to make my Mac not have upgrade-able RAM. Late 2015 8GB slow Mac is slow.

  • 0
    @TimCook this guy wants to 1v1 you. 😋
  • 1
    It'd still be slow even with more RAM.
  • 0
    Macs are fucked up in many ways. So many ways. It is like big, polished dick with ability for 1min fuck.
  • 1
    screw you for choosing and using mac? 🤔

    like, you've chosen your own poison.
  • 0
    @-red as a dev? do you code without IDE or how do you manage that?
    (I'm actually courious)
  • 3
    Well... unless you got it from your employer... you choose to not have upgradable RAM yourself...

    So pretty much your own fault if that's the case, nobody else to blame but you.
  • 3
    It you're talking about late 2015 iMac the problem is non ram or cpu related. Is that fucking 1TB 5400 rpm hard drive. It so slow that installing the OS on an external drive actually makes the whole machine faster
  • 0
    @michezio :D :D :D :D
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    @michezio the moment you mentioned 5400RPM HDD I went like: "well that might also fucking explain it"
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    @michezio I have relatively recently purchased a 4TB 5400rpm WD Purple drive. and... It's not slow at all. In fact it's 3 or 4 times faster than the older drive (which is around 10 years old, to be fair).
  • 0
    @iiii if it's 10 years old maybe that is a SATA 2 HDD which could explain the 4x speed of the newer which is SATA 3. But is still slow compared to a 7200 rpm which I consider still too slow for an OS to be installed in it
  • 0
    @michezio well, yes. My system is installed on an SSD but for torrents, games and other stuff that hard drive is more than enough
  • 1
    @iiii HDDs have always been ok for sequential r/w. It's when the head needs to move around every few kilobytes where they really suck.
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