What really grinds my gears?
To teach german coders that there is no plural of the word "information", over and over and over and over again!
There is no informations. There is only bits of information or information.
Darn idiots!!!

  • 4
    informations informations informations informations informations informations informations informations informations informations informations informations informations informations informations informations informations informations informations informations informations informations informations informations informations informations informations informations!

    informations informations 😂🐴👯
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    Jap. I agree. But!
    Respect a language if you use it on a daily base.
    You never stop learning your coding languages, so never stop learn other languages you have to use as a standard.
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    It is the same half-assed bullshit with "ss" and "ß". "Oh, i don't want to study when to use ss and when to use ß, so i will always use ss in my words!"

    Argggh! *shiver*
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    Kewl. I don't even know the word forbearance til today.
    But yeah, that word fits like a charm :)
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    People who say 'codes' when they mean code. Bastard(s).
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    I like your style and intelligence :)
  • 1
    I guess it's like English speakers getting the noun gender incorrect. That's confusing enough in romance languages with 2 genders and then German has to introduce a third...😶

    Or personal "a" in Spanish.

    Italian should really be the international language. Its so easy to learn, and sounds nice, too.
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