
My cat is diagnosed with leukemia. He has 4 months to live. What am I going to do without him? 🐈‍⬛


  • 30
    Make ‘em the best 4 months of his life. God bless him.
  • 16
    Sending love & loads of ear scratches..
  • 5
    That's terrible :( just spend a whole lot of time with him
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    @iiii he's only 8, while his breed usually lives to be 15–20 years.
  • 4
    Thanks for all your comments fellow ranters!
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    @electrineer Yes, but don't tell anyone.. 😉

    P.S. you are glitching..whad'ya do?!
  • 9
    @sladuled I took my pants off and the content ran away
  • 1
    Premium cat food?
    Lots of hugs.
  • 0
    I hope you don't mind that I hijacked the thread. The ones who commented before me got it so right that I had nothing to add.
  • 2
    Sorry to hear that sir. Feed him plenty and give him all your time. (I have 3 kitties)
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    @Nanos you sound like an AI. "romantic partners"
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  • 3
    Life is too short. It's not like you're immortal either.
    Put things into perspective, and adapt another kitten sooner, so that he has someone to play with and you're not completely alone after his passing. I'm sure he loves you and doesn't want you to be sad and suffer, but shit happens. So do take care of yourself, because he loves you. (don't make things harder for him by being sad and sobby. You do know cats feel their owner's distress, right?)
  • 1
    I heard honey bee venom destroys tumors. Thats my two cents rumor mongering. If hes gonna die might as well try everything.

    Wish you luck. Sorry about your cat.
  • 0
    I already have a dog and 7 other animals around the house. This cat was our first, though. He might have lived for 20 years, now he's going away sooner than he deserves, being 8 years old.
  • 2
    @rooter horses and chickens (and the occasional rat and mouse, but that's where our cat came in useful). The cat's currently doing ok. Not great, but he's eating and drinking better than before. He's still kind and loving as always, but less proactive.
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    Basically what everyone is saying is make that 4 months his best life ever while giving him lots of love till the end. he will always be with you 🙂
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    1 year > 4 months

    you get the idea, I am very very sorry for you, Our neighbors cat lost (but I was his best friend, lol- always come to me, and stuff), and I legit cried.
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