
If you are a GIRL, there's a HIGH chance for you to win the Hackathon. If you are a BOY, well... :|

  • 2
    @rutee07 I just learned that Angelina Jolie codes. I am very confused.
  • 30
    It’s true. I turn into a man when I code, and back again afterwards. Full on grizzly lumberjack. It is very disconcerting.
  • 6
    Who knew equality worked so well, or maybe she's the one getting shit done while you sit there drooling all day.
  • 1
    Exactly, women can only do html and css. Or getting us men our sandwiches and beer while we code and watch football
  • 0
    @rooter I get the same reaction. It’s like seeing a talking dog. I’m used to women being sandwich engineers
  • 5
    Teams with more girls perform better, maybe because of moral support they provide.
  • 14
    @Frederick This.
    So much politics, everywhere.
    And it all makes me angry.
  • 7
    @Frederick I prefer maker/hacker spaces over conferences/hackathons/game jams.

    Put a bunch of men and women in a workshop with zero pressure, and it's just a casual atmosphere where people are coding retro RPGs, 3D-printing cucumber ballistas or soldering together cat GPS trackers.

    Gender/sex/age/race/orientation etc is TRULY irrelevant, skill is irrelevant, failures are irrelevant, you just help each other try new things.

    As soon as you start awarding prices, the perception will sadly be that it's some gender/racial supremacy award -- regardless of who the award goes to.

    I would actually love to have more diversity in the field, but giving someone a medal for having a vagina or a certain skin color isn't going to help with that.

    The thing which made us developers good is not social praise, it's curiosity despite lack of praise, the feeling that there is more to be discovered.
  • 2
    If you are a boy... well... there's a requirement for you to actually deserve the win.

    good morning: womanhood is easy mode if you're willing to fully use all the special abilities influencing others' psyche.

    it's an "extra hard mode" (a bit harder than the standard male "hard mode") if you refuse to use all of those abilities because they feel... dirty.
  • 3
    I’m a white european descent male so my score at any event starts at -infinite
  • 1
    @Root That's great! How can one get this power?
  • 4
    this is unfortunately true, kinda, I've seen companies do like a separate podium for females, do female only hackathons or mention their gender as a plus on the awards or honorary mentions. I don't know, it feels weird, I like hackathons when they are not sponsored by big corp otherwise I feel like I'm doing free demos for daddy corp.
  • 3
    Yeyyyyyy boobs
  • 1
    @d-fanelli yay for racism being called the opposite of racism!
  • 0
    How much of it is just statistics though? Maybe I'm outdated because I don't really follow this but there are way more men coding then women?

    Or is that no longer true anymore... Or never been true?
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    @donuts Depends on the country. I think best case scenario 10% female in the west. I've worked in multiple EU countries, and noticed that female devs are slightly more common in Portugal and Spain, while they are fairly uncommon here in the Netherlands, Germany and the UK.

    I currently work at a Dutch company which has sourced a lot of expats, also from Asia, and we're currently at 15 women out of 104 developers total.

    In some countries like Japan and Sri Lanka, it's now rapidly moving towards 40-50% because of a wildly different gender dogmas. They used to have strict gender roles, but much less of a patriarchal/religious context to it, so breaking those traditional roles seems a lot easier. Oddly enough, I've met a significant amount of Asian devs who consider QA to be 100% a woman's job.

    It does seem that all over the world, anything with a UI (Frontend/App/Game) attracts more women, while things like Backend/DBA/Devops is still a fortress full of sausages.
  • 1
    @bittersweet well I mean more what's the ratio of women choosing to study CS vs men.

    But guess it still comes down to culture. If they can't really get hired, then they wouldn't go for a degree or even become interested in coding in the first place.

    My parents were like don't do CS, do finance. Went to college for that but was coding long before and now ended up as a dev anyway.
  • 1
    @donuts I think it's more because of society norms that ability to become hired though.

    In the Netherlands people pretend to be progressive, but the majority still subconsciously associates STEM with boys and language/arts/care related fields with girls.

    There's not that much blatant sexism, it's very subtle: parents will tell their daughters "It's OK not to be good at math, your mom wasn't good at it either" while their sons might be told to study harder.

    That's something you can't fix with hiring quotas, it must be fixed at the schools.
  • 0
    It never ends, does it? Also I think it's called sexism.
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