Everyone hates CSS

I'm a full-stack dev, I was considering CSS really hard to deal with for a long time. I have some friends who are bad at design and barely know how to use CSS and hate it.

Last year, I decided to learn CSS again after 6+ years of web development.

If you are a developer but hate CSS. maybe you should give it more time and learn it the right way.

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    So you decided to learn CSS after 6 years; but do you still hate it? 🤔
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    You fool learning CSS, I use bootstrap. Legends are doing work for me

    And you said yourself full stack developer 😏
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    I teach CSS all the time... and even 20year devs end up saying! “Ooohhh. ... wait - that’s... ohhh... they are all just boxes... and flex box???”

    But the key is - you have to write GOOD HTML too. Most devs can’t write HTML or CSS - and that’s why Bootstrap and Tailwind are popular.

    Really - 10 hours of practice with the right teacher to unfuck you mental/conceptual model... (and an open mind) - and you’ll be ready to start your new CSS life!

    HTML and CSS are the most fun and easiest to write since 2010.

    But of course you’ll continue learning for your whole career.
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    CSS is a language...

    It got better as the implementation got less fucked (browser support) and more standardish... Ish as there are still loopholes...

    But remembering CSS 2 and earlier ... Its a miracle of a beauty nowadays
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    Css is quite straight forward for me. A lovely piece of technology. I really want to know why people hate it
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    I like CSS and always have, but I always missed something like variables in it. Luckily SASS and SCSS solves that these days
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    @Eklavya I'd report you if it wouldn't be for me being report banned or something like that. Bootstrap pff
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    Bootstrap is a bloated legacy codebase. It shouldn’t even be taught any more. Vanilla CSS is much better, especially if you’re using flexbox or css-grid for layouts. Even better solution is CSS in JS, especially if you’re using React or Angular.
    Honestly, I don’t even understand the need for any CSS preprocessor anymore since we have CSS in JS and CSS variables.
    PS: I do hate CSS, but made my peace with it a long time ago.
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    @hinst I love CSS now. I decided to learn it again doesn't mean I didn't know how to code with CSS. I wasn't able to use it as a frontend dev.
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    @hamzanouali damn, I didn't know!!!

    This is amazing, screw SASS xD thanks!
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    The v5 is different and better.

    I use Bootstrap with Vue and can be used with React or Angular.

    There are no issues at all.
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    @Eklavya I use Bootstrap too.

    I built https://frontendor.com with Bootstrap (Create home pages by copy-paste using Bootstrap).
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    @sheriffderek Nice! maybe you can share with us your courses, blog, etc.
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    With flex box and grid i can finally center my shit
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    @Hazarth nothing comparable to ‘mixins’ yet though - with “css custom properties”
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    "Everyone hates css" when "Nobody used css"

    You all use frameworks, you're no longer using CSS, just adding classes to a DOM and calling it a day - with the handful of overrides to change colours here and there.

    Tell me again how you lived through, IE6, 7, 8, 9, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, and Safari (all at the same time) and the introduction to Mobile rendering in a time CSS frameworks didn't exist and every browser had its own rendering engine.

    Thank fuck we have css frameworks now, but at the same time, every browser is becoming Chromium anyway so I really don't know why people are hating on something that's done for them anyway these days with minimal browser incompatibilities.

    PS: C0D4 needs coffee, he's a grumpy fuck today 😆
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    @C0D4 one aethopian coffee mistress for ya.
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    @C0D4 And then you decide to load an entire CSS framework just for some minor things :p
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    CSS has a very important role in terms of web development, but because a lot of people take the dumbass approach of just copy-pasting stuff from the internet without knowing what it is meant to do or how it works internally then they go on roid rages when stuff does not work. I know because I used to be that way.

    It takes creativity and knowledge to wield it properly, just like everything else in software development. I remember that I used to hate it, I am not going to say that I love it now, but I definitely find it more enjoyable to work with as compared to how I used to practice this before.

    It also has come along a long way, the ventures of flexbox and grid allow people to not jump through hoops in order to get items positioned correctly, and the ability to use variables and other constructs definitely help.

    I still use scss a lot, because I sometimes need to define functions sometimes to do shit for me.
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    I'm fairly certain I "understand CSS", having worked on two frequently used CSS frameworks, and played around with the Stylo/QuantumCSS rendering engine.

    Still hate it.

    My opinion: Like many frontend things, it's fucking stale because of compatibility concerns.

    The concept of "separation of content, presentation and functions" is the biggest fuckup in the history of the web, or at least the idea that layout (HTML) falls in the content bucket.

    Usually, you style all your blogposts, caroussels, header menus, etc the same, or maybe there's 1-2 variants. They are COMPONENTS, and all their stuff belongs grouped together.

    Luckily, most modern frameworks kind of realize this -- They smoosh layout/style/animation/code together, and make the content variable using some form of templating and/or data loading.

    But all these react/vue/angular musings are muddy hacky layers on top of a broken paradigm.

    It would be nice if we could redesign the web from the ground up.
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    I can't image how much effort and time we need to build the web platform from ground up
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    I hate CSS, I do understand how CSS, but I am bad at CSS. I stopped writing Vanilla CSS about a year ago, I now use Tailwindcss. When I used Bootstrap I ended up writing more CSS to customize the look and feel and that was a mess. CSS utility frameworks like Tailwindcss makes things easy as-long as you know the basics of CSS.
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    The only thing I hate about CSS is having to redo it a thousand times because our designers never get a decent briefing and clients send us content that doesn't fit the new design. You end up having to punch square shapes through round holes and hide all that bullshit with CSS to pretend it was intended that way.
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    Me writing pure CSS3 goodness when compared to all these frameworks...

    "I've always suspected that a lot of what you do in a year could be knocked out in a couple of hours"
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    @hamzanouali I can’t! There’s an internet wide rule in place: no linking to anything that you made, didn’t you know? Otherwise people will firestorm you for “self promotion.” / but I’ll gladly talk to you about it. And I’m sure you can track me down. I recently wrote an article for CSS tricks and I run a CSS discord and I teach at a school. You can Google “sheriffderek” ; )
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    @FinlayDaG33k when I need coffee, I make sure to get an entire hotel restaurant kitchen from the 1940s - hahaha.
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    @bittersweet you should design a new web!
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    @magutywa but you say you are “bad at CSS” ?
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    TIL CSS takes 6 years to learn
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