Is it gay to like Ed Sheerans music?

He’s one of the few new people with actual talent in my opinion.

Many people say men listening to Lana del Rey are gay so I don’t give a shit anyway.
But I’m still wondering.
How many of the guys without a life (like me) here listen to and actually enjoy listening to Ed Sheraan?

Gaaaaaaaaalway Girl, nananannananannaa gaaaaaalway Girl, nananannananananananananna
That shits is stuck in my head now..

  • 16
    nah, listen to whatever tf you want.

    You actually get bonus points for openly AND gay-ly listening to gay artists.

    Example: I fucking ADORE Elton John. Think I give a shit if others think my ass is gay while listening to Elton? FUCK NO, I will ride around town wearing pink/read STAR sunglasses on a (fake) flamenco clad coat on boots with high heels looking fabulous af

    AND if someone calls me whatever insult I will beat the ever living fuck out of them while wearing the Elton outfit, cuz momma didn't raise no BITCH.


    just listen to whatever the fuck you want.
  • 7
    There's more good new music out there than ever. It's just harder to find because it doesn't become mainstream.
  • 8
    Fuck them, in the ass if you have too!
    It's only gay on the receiving end right?

    Music, is music, it's either good, bad, or shit, and that's a matter of personal preference.

    @AleCx04 who the fuck doesn't like Elton? I'm not a fan of all his hits but the man knows how to please a crowd!
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    @AleCx04 Wise words๐Ÿ‘Œ
    He made some great music. Actually, I’ll go listen to that stuff now..
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    @electrineer theres a Tsunami of Good Music but it’s unbelievable hard to find people with talent.
    I mean someone who as an incredible voice or can play the drums like a maniac or can play the guitar like Al Di Meola or deliver a show like Shakira.
    I feel like that’s lost nowadays.

    Last good one I found was Kyla la Grange and she had her last song 7 years or so ago..
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    @just8littleBit funny, I keep finding crazy talented musicians all the time.
  • 6
    Yes, It's gay, but only because It's popular.

    If you want to be cool, like me, you have to avoid anything mainstream, especially pop music and only listen to weird indie music that half of the time sounds like whales having sex. Now that's straight as fuck!
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    @electrineer bandcamp ๐Ÿค”
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    @Hazarth popularity is obviously a bad reason to dislike it. I recall I was interested by some catchy part of some song. I went to listen the whole song but was disappointed due to the way it was produced. It's obviously produced to a target audience I'm not part of – and masterfully so, given the success.
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    @electrineer then the question is what kind of music you like I guess ๐Ÿ˜…

    I mainly listen to acoustic stuff..
    I wanna hear those drums, those guitar solos and shit like that๐Ÿ˜„
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    @Hazarth half of my favourite artists are indies.. I hope that doesn’t make me a whale fucker. If it does fuck it, it’s worth it ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
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    @AleCx04 I like your energy
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    @neeno I grew up surrounded by women and gay people cuz my aunt owned a nail salon and my mother worked there with her. To me it was the most natural thing in the world, till I was grown up and learned that for some reason society fucked with them on account of something as miniscule as sexual preference. Decided then to be as violently supportive as I can. My best friend is gay, the dude paints my life in a multitude of colors and if it weren't for him and my wife I swear to high heaven I would be bland as fuck man.
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    Ed Sheeran is insufferable, when I die and go to hell they will give me his concert box set.
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    "Haha you like (X) you're gay"

    Seriously?! I thought this was the realm of thick 11 year olds.
  • 2
    @just8littleBit I don't know mate, theres a checklist to figure our if you are a whale fucker:

    1. Do you listen to Indie music?
    2. Do you fuck whales?

    If you answered yes to at least two of these, I will judge you for the rest of my life :(
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    Yes. Singing them loud is double gay, like gay father’s gay son kinda gay. No return after double gay.
  • 3
    Even if it is, so what?
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    Didn't even know he was gay great music though. I find a lot of these things have nothing to do with sexualities orientation.

    If you like Ed you probably will like Mumford and sons, John Mayer, Elton has since great stuff too. Went to rockedman with my gf how gay is that...
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    Honestly, from a certain point of view, Ed Sheeran has more balls than many metal bands, etc.

    A metal band goes on and it’s dark lights and pyrotechnic effects and a whole show that doesn’t have everyone directly focused on their playing.

    Ed, at least when I saw him a few years back, goes up in front of a sold out stadium with just himself and a guitar and the spotlight is on him and only him. Very few visual effects at all. That is badass in itself.
  • 1
    @hjk101 good recommendations! But Ed Sheeran definitely got straight married lol.
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