
Tfw you accepted a project you thought you "can" work on, but over time it turns out that you won't be able to finish the project on time.


  • 3
    I'm so down when I did that n then taking rest a whole week to recover from it. Yeah, being a freelancer is a freedom with so much depressing time when you alone. Halo tangerang
  • 2
    @raizal yeah.. I thought taking as many projects as possible is the best course of action since I'm still looking for experiences... But one of them turns out like this 😂
    BTW hello fellow Indonesian, welcome to the community!
  • 1
    @noobi what a strong will 😂 just take one big project, you'll learn alot from it. Especially a project that need to be done in a team. Capek banget lho kebanyakan yg dipikirin. Pdhal juga pengalaman g bisa dikebut, harus selangkah demi selangkah. Kurus aja butuh proses 😂
  • 0
    @raizal Sayangya di environment kampus saya masih belum ada proyek besar begitu... Seandainya ada proyek dimana saya bisa di "guide" sudah saya ambil 😅

    Ah sial, saya juga lagi diet😂
  • 0
    Gara2 kebanyakan ambil project, bb naik 10kg per tahun nih 😂
    Hati hati 😂
  • 0
    Yes, I can?! 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
  • 1
    @linuxer4fun well I wish I can 😂
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