
Guess it's funny

  • 26
    Why you hate Java? Why the hate? What's the root of all this?(I suspect Microsoft) please explain
  • 12
    @maximizer Because Microsoft created a better alternative. 😂😋
  • 14
    @maximizer don't really hate it, I just thought it was funny because I'm bad at java
  • 5
    @Jase yeah.. thought so, but that's too childish to accept as truth. Pouring shit on others to make myself look better. I dunno...
  • 6
    I'm only joking lol. Java is good too. I just prefer C# because I've had more success with it and it looks and feels cleaner to me. @maximizer
  • 15
    Java worse than death penalty... then what about php?
  • 3
    @gedankennebel cruel and unusual punishment, it was outlawed.
  • 5
    This is one of those rants where I have to laugh out loud. Thanks Sir for making me laugh, please have my ++
  • 4
    @thecritic no problem man, always nice to make someone laugh
  • 1
    @maximizer I think it's because it's not as fast as a native language.
  • 2
    Easiest sentence ever.
  • 2
    If there's a language I'd recommend to a complete noob wanting to learn programming... it's Java.
  • 0
  • 0
    @dontbeevil that's not explanation, but trying to make other feel guilty as oppose to argument.
    The shit thrown at MS is another issue, which makes me curious as well
  • 0
    @calmyourtities solid argument. And I can't argue. But is it enough for the hatred?
  • 4
    @calmyourtities if you use jit or a custom jvm. And access memory other than via 'on heap'. Java can perform memory allocations faster than c++. Vm's can make on the fly optimisations that a compiled languages can't. C++ does however dominate in other areas, graphics is the main one i think.
  • 1
    @maximizer no, I like Java, and I suppose you could use Excelsior JET or another compiler for native compilations. Do you know how good the performance is with a native Java compiler? I've never used one
  • 1
    @JavaRules I know, I kinda wish Oracle will try on Java graphics more, C++ doesn't even has native graphics support .
  • 1
    @Jase I can agree that C# feels somehow cleaner. But there are things I absolutely despise about C# and other things I like compared to Java. To say that C# is 'better' than Java is just a useless generalisation which can't be proven. Wouldn't you agree?
  • 1
    @calmyourtities for the first time I'm hearing they there is native compiler for Java :D
  • 1
    @maximizer well I've never used it, but from the looks of it, it's not for performance, its to make it harder to decompile
  • 0
    @calmyourtities now I see something to be frustrated about.
  • 0
    Master brainfuck
  • 0
    @Jase asong as c# isn't cross platform I won't agree on that 😜
  • 0
    @linuxxx .Net core my friend. Open source, cross platform, and technically you still have mono. It's not completely there, but it's getting closer
  • 2
    @gdb123 nullpointerreferenceexception
  • 1
    The punishment should me write terms and conditions of softwares and use only explorer.

    C'mon Java is fun learning.
  • 1
    What are you,.
    the SJW of programming?^
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