What IDE do you all use?

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    I use VsCode for python and Visual studio 2017 for C#
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    Microsoft Word
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    IntelliJ, got it through a student license
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    Sublime text and Visual Studio Code
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    @davidmaamoaix what, seriously?
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    VS Code and Sublime Text are not IDEs.
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    Intellij, Atom, visual Studio 2019
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    I use the spray tool in MS Paint to write code, then use OCR to turn that into text.
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    Mostly IntelliJ, but I'm happy to pay for the full Individual licensed JetBrains All Products Pack. It's a bite for the first 2 years for the, but it's well worth paying for, especially since you can legally use the Individual license for anything at work as well as personal projects.
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    We all use different ones.
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    @lamka02sk Sure they are.. not.
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    You can also write what text editor you use
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    @lamka02sk VS Code didn't start out as an IDE, but between the built in refactoring support, debugging and source control extensions I think it's safe to say it's pretty much evolved into one capable of supporting a number of languages:



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    In terms of text editor, Vim all the way. My CS 150 instructor MADE us learn vi (as in there were quizzes and assignments the 1st week before we started writing C code). His argument was "you will find vi on every *NIX system you drop into, and every *NIX system uses text files to administer. Get used to it, get over it. You'll thank me later."
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    Visual studio code , Android studio, Xcode and Atom.
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    @xMadxHatterx did you thank him?
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    @asgs before I graduated, I sure did! 😎
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    IntelliJ for Java, VS Code for everything else.
    Vim if Im already in the terminal and need to make a tiny change to a file (I’m not very good at remembering keyboard shortcuts lol)
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    VS Code && Android Studio
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    Does vanilla vim count? Just `sudo pacman -S vim && cd myproject/ && vim foo.py`.
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    Lately... Notepad
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    Visual Studio and vscode and have started to test rider.
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    @lamka02sk vscode is more ide than text editor, and with dome extensions you can get almost the same functionality.

    But just out of the box its not an ide.
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    @kamen so your not just doing a b/v image and convert that to binary
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    @xMadxHatterx thats sadly not true any more, I have encountered systems with only nano :/
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    @Voxera Yikes! Only nano!? <shudder/>
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    Used VSCode for a while (I mainly do PHP and JS), now swapped to IntelliJ Ultimate which works fine (except the retarded "SHIFT + F6" to rename a file/folder that you cannot change)
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    I do web in vscode, kotlin in intellij, and anything else in vim usually
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    I don't use IDEs, just text editors. Notepadqq and Xed under Linux, or Notepad++ under Windows.
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    IDLE or nano.
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    Jet Brains - Everything


    VS Code

    and I am not ashamed to say nano with syntax highlighting.
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    emacs doom for IDE
    vim for quick edits
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    I don't have a favourite IDE as long as it works. For C/C++ alone i had at least 5 different IDEs, and they all worked okay.

    But i have to admit, that the jetbrains ones are quite good.
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    VSCode for almost everything. It has plenty of flaws but it's really fast, supports many languages and I like (/got used to?) the command system.
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    VSCode has
    Code editing
    Code actions like project-wide rename
    SCM integration
    A test runner
    A db explorer
    A debugger
    I don't know about you but I don't really use more from more advanced IDEs either so to me it's just as much an IDE as Visual Studio minus the coffee break between clicking the icon and starting work.
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    I use Visual Studio 2019 for C# because of the level of integration and debugging tools, Eclipse for Java because I dont have a choice, and VSCode for everything else. VSCode is in my opinion the best IDE/TextEditor. Just the level of customizability and Microsofts no-nonsense Shortcuts makes it so much better than everything else.
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    VSCode here, for everything that I can think of
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