Easy - an actress. My drama queen skills are out of this world, and I am a master emotional manipulator.
I was accepted to acting school but my mom put a veto on it, and said first I need to get a real profession and then I can make stupid choices.
But after my engineering degree and army service I was too old for sucking cock in LA.
So here I am doing my robotics PhD. Feel sorry for my lab mates having to take my melodramatic shit on the daily.

  • 22

    The kind I wanna befriend just to be able to eat popcorn and watch while they're having a full mental breakdown and setting fire to the world simultaneously.
  • 8
    Wait army service as well?
    You really went far from the acting career
  • 13
    @LotsOfCaffeine It's mandatory army service where I am from. I was totally going to make the "I'm crazy release me from service" act, but both of my parents are former officers...family pressure.
    I was supposed to serve 6 years because the army paid for my degree. But the army was ready to let me go after 14 months. I wasn't even trying too hard :)
    I told them I will finish the legal minimum, 2 years, on my own terms and was reassigned to teach EE and CS classes in a high school. Was pretty nice.
  • 4
    Thank god i am born in a country with enough population to avoid compulsary military service.
  • 12
    @purist It sucks but at the same time it does force you to interact with populations that you normally will never get to know because you are stuck in your circles.
    I think this is one of the reasons Switzerland has mandatory service - to integrate people from different cantons.
  • 2
    @NickyBones Oh.. I just cant imagine myself sinking years into military service. Such kinds of discipline and obidience is not for everyone.
  • 9
    @purist Military like being a combatant is also not for me. But there are more civilian positions, which are OK in my opinion. I ended working with "troubled" high schoolers so it was actually quite rewarding. If I could go back and change things, I would keep that period where I was teaching them.
  • 10
    Let me guess: Israel. Because A) Women doing military service, and B) parents judging your choice of career as stupid choice. #OnlyInAsia
  • 20
    @NoMad Correct :)
    As a Jew, especially from European origin, you can choose between engineer, lawyer, doctor and disappointment.
  • 2
    @NickyBones I thought you were from Denmark.
  • 4
  • 2
    What is a real profession?
  • 3
    @NickyBones aren't those choices for indians? Or is it the same for both?
  • 2
    @NickyBones IDK somewhere earlier in the conversation you mentioned or I misinterpreted it.
  • 4
    @Floydimus I might have mentioned the nordic countries in some gender-related debate. But 2-3 posts before this I actually asked if people from MENA would have issues working with an Israeli in the same lab, because we were interviewing candidates :)
  • 2
    @iiii I guess we have that in common :)
  • 4
    @NickyBones answer to that people having issues working with you because of your background: don't assume anything. It's a case by case situation. Every ethnicity and race has stupid mofos. Literally a matter of personality and ability to overcome their own mental prejudice. (because everyone has some prejudice. they just don't know it until they face it.)
  • 3
    @NoMad I actually got very encouraging responses in that post :) I totally agree that we should get to know each others and not just generalize based on some stereotypes.
  • 2
    @NickyBones Ohhh!! Was away for few months so maybe missed it.

    BTW how is the situation there?
  • 6
    @Floydimus At this point we can play a game - "is this photo from GTA or from Israel?"
    Total chaos. I hope it calms down soon...
  • 6
    @Floydimus We are extremely lucky that our aerial defense system Iron Dome works at +90% interception rate, or else we would have hundreds of casualties, if not thousands by now.
    I think this system is the best thing that ever came from a military industry - not only does it save civilian lives on our side, but it often allow us not to escalate to air strikes and just defend, so lives are also saved in Gaza.
  • 3
    @NickyBones I was going to chime in, but on heading you were from Israel completely forgot what I was going to say. I'm only seeing scary news scenes at the moment.

    All the best and stay safe.
  • 1
    @JustThat Wow, a degree in Forensics sounds super cool! What do you cover in this kind of thing?
  • 1
    @NickyBones Damn! I hope things calm down but good that Iron Dome is saving lives and infra on both sides.
  • 5
    @AlmondSauce Thanks! I am safe in Germany, and convinced my parents to go to Greece and wait until everything relaxes. But the rest of my family/friends are there...
    I always thought I would manage this conflict better, and was super involved in many youth leadership/coexistence/peace initiatives but ended up giving up on it and going into tech. I guess sane people choosing to stay out of politics is the reason everything is on fire right now.
  • 1
    @JustThat So all these episodes of CSI Miami were a lie? 馃槶
  • 3
    @NickyBones I'm glad you and your parents are safe at least. Looks like things are likely to get a lot worse before they get better unfortunately - I hope your friends & other family manage to stay safe too.

    That's an incredibly good point about politics. Even here, the only people I know who generally go into it are loudmouths who tend to think they're right and everyone else is wrong, and are happy to argue this for days. Everyone else that takes a more reasonable approach is generally forced out it seems. You end up with the equivalent situation of two toddlers slapping each other over a toy, apart from the toddlers are politicians, the toy is the land everyone else is living on and the slaps are full on missiles.

    With that in mind, I'm kind of surprised more countries aren't (literally) on fire.
  • 1
    Our industry is full of people with absolutely no passion for it. Those that came for the money, took a seat in Uni from some hacker dude that doesn't play nice in school.
  • 2
    @NickyBones I thought disappointment was mandatory for Jews?

    I am part Jewish...
  • 3
    @cervantes01 Yes, there is always the perfect child of the neighbor/cousins that does everything better than you, and makes you feel like a failure :) You can't win with Jewish parents....
  • 2
    @Nihil75 How can you take a Uni seat from someone else? Like hit them?
    I don't recall having to punch people to get accepted.
  • 1
    @Nanos I was a lefty since always, but I realized that I can do a lot of things in the army that actually help to deescalate the situation.
    I am incredibly disappointed in our government -they are all pieces of shit that are only good as fertilizers. But the commanders in the IAF were surprisingly decent people.
  • 0
    Wow. This turned into personal blog very quickly. I'm not sure how comfortable I am knowing you were teaching poor teenage boys in Cammy uniform. I mean, have mercy, put on cargo pants at least...

    Jokes aside, though. No combat training at all? My cuz went to school to be a fighter test pilot and came back a pro hacking-tools-user / krav maga black belt.
  • 1
    @cprn sorry to disappoint they don't have cammy uniform in the Israel army. You can get the standard attire and look like a garbage bag on legs.
    Of course I had some training. Since my fitness was better than most, I was supposed to go to combat service support officers course and that's when I refused and forced them to kick me out.
  • 0
    @Nanos I am too far into depression and my PhD to do anything that actually contributes society.
  • 0
    @Nanos Yes. And then I will find something else that will consume my life :)
    But I agree in a general, that you can create a positive change in your small circle by sharing information and listening to other people's experiences.
  • 0
    Why do you think acting career would need you to suck cocks?

    I mean, you can if you wish. But that's not how I see acting career
  • 0
    @asgs When I was aspiring to be an actress it was before #MeToo. There were many pretty, talented girls out there, dying to the live the dream, and eventually it's was down to how far you were willing to go to get a role.
  • 1
    @NickyBones yes but you can still belong to the other side where people would grab you for being an absolute gem of an actress and fans would love to plan to see your next set of movies
  • 4
    Politics is a cancer, anybody interested in going into politics should be prevented from doing so by virtue of the fact that they are interested in politics.
  • 1
    @cervantes01 agreed about politics
  • 1
  • 1
    @cervantes01 Don't be ridiculous, then some vaguely *sensible* people would have to go into politics. That would never do.
  • 1
    @NickyBones acting is pretty sick actually.

    Also, completely unrelated - when working on computer vision, GLSL, etc, how much math do you have to do and how frequently? I am kinda trying to expand my knowledge and try to get into this field of computer science as well and I want to know how much math I need to know that I don’t know already :P

    讗讙讘, 讗谞讬 诪拽讜讜讛 砖讛讻诇 讘住讚专 讗爪诇讱 诪讘讞讬谞转 讛诪爪讘 注诐 讛讞诪讗住 讜讛专拽讟讜转…
  • 1
    @OmerFlame 讗谞讬 讙专讛 讘讙专诪谞讬讛 注讻砖讬讜 讜砖诇讞转讬 讗转 讛讛讜专讬诐 砖诇讬 诇讞讜驻砖 讘讬讜讜谉 讗讝 讛讻诇 讟讜讘 :)
    I think knowledge of linear algebra (matrices, vectors and how they operate on each other) is a must for graphics. Many of the algorithms also require knowledge of computational geometry. If you want to understand more complex shape representations like NURBS you need the basics of numerical analysis (polynomial representations, bezier curves...).
    For computer vision you need calculus. You need to understand derivatives if you want to go into DL, and for classic computer vision you also need a solid calculus basis (variational methods). This also requires some PDE/ODE knowledge.
    You can do a lot of copy-pasting without really knowing what you are doing, and still get some results, but that's not what I would recommend.
  • 1
    @NickyBones definitely agree with that last opinion, copy-pasting sucks for projects because you don’t really learn anything.
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