
Got selected for an interview with a big internet giant.
Went there and was warmly greeted.
Thry asked to wait for a bit as my interviewer was busy with something.
Moments later a young beautiful lady entered the room. Her face was the most beautiful thing I've seen in my entire life. I was dumbstruck.
She then introduced herself and turns out she was my interviewer.
Everytime she asked me something I looked at her face and grinned stupidly.
Now even though I should feel bad about getting rejected, I am happy as fuck.

This message is to all cofounders/hr/etc. - please don't allow such beauties to take the interview. You might miss out an A grader.

  • 21
    You should refactor your interfaces to make them idempotent. If your functions doesn't work depending on the caller context... You'r gone have problems
  • 15
    Alternatively, you could learn to not be a socially awkward muppet.
  • 5
    "I get anxious around women, other great candidates do too, so women shouldn't interview."

    Is that what you meant? Because it sure sounds like it. There's already a gender bias in tech. Top companies pride in an open culture, obviously what they're doing is working.

    Your little shout-out at the end is what got me...
  • 0
    @Neotelos calm down lol. The last para was just a plain joke. Y'all should take these rants more lightly. Smh
  • 2
    @hanuor no, it's not funny. It's degrading and a problem in the industry.
  • 0
    @Neotelos Oh, come on, it's a joke. It's not trying to degrade anyone. Try not to take this too seriously
  • 0
    @ocab19 so if I were to make "jokes" about Spaniards and Indians, neither of you would be offended? This isn't Facebook and it's definitely not 4Chan. Get your shit together and show respect for others. There are women that use devRant as well. Poor taste in jokes isn't an excuse.
  • 1
    @nitaj96a again, no. The fact that anyone thinks this type of "joking" is acceptable is a problem that needs to be addressed. Women are not a different species and they do not deserve this prejudice and disrespect. In an office setting, this is sexual harassment and grounds for termination.
  • 1
    @Neotelos it's true. It's one of the four grounds for automatic dismissal at the company I work for. Even if you say it after hours if there is corroborating evidence.
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