
So Microsoft, you tell me that there is a known bug, if you have Windows 10 with the newest update installed on a SSD and Apps running on another hard drive?! And this bugs causes random freezes of the whole PC from time to time?


It is a common setup nowadays to have a SSD with windows 10 and software on other hard drives and you didn't care to check it before releasing the update? Which I HAVE to download and install?


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    Better yet, Linux. Unless you're a gamer.
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    Microsoft lately
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    I can forgive a bug, even a big bug. But the nature of this bug is a window (haha) on the fact that Windows is fucked up :/
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    Fuck Microsoft and their forced updates that you can't even remove. Let me choose what software I install in my own fucking computer, Microsoft
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    Fun fact: you don't NEED to download any Windows update.

    You can disable Windows automatic updating, I still get a pop up every so often that tells me I have updates available, but I can just click okay and continue on with whatever I was doing without any forced restarts or updates.

    Search it up on Google, probably a few how-to's for this floating around.
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    @alwaysmpe Gamer and also VR-Developer 🤐 but I also run Linux for other programming projects
  • 0
    I hade a fun time when an update dissabled all my usb inputs. Where is that ps2 keyboard...
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