
Please, do not "learn to code".
The industry is already filled with too many shitheads who think they're the next bill gates.
Most people have no business coding anything.
You might hear big tech screeching about "tech shortages" and that "we need more coders" but in reality, they're trying to flood the developer market with shit-tier coders so they can pay less wages, because they're too greedy to pay their workers a decent salary.

We don't need more coders.

You're not special.

Your bootcamp project looks like dogshit and 10,000 other people wrote the same thing only better.

  • 55
    "industry is already filled with too many shitheads"

    Kinda like this post demonstrates ...
  • 9
  • 2
  • 11
    Absolutely agree.
  • 5
    Please remind me to print this rant and slap it in my cubicle.
    P.S.: jk, I hate cubicles.
  • 25
    IMHO in the aim of summarizing you're mixing things that are completely different.
    In my opinion:

    - "able to code" != "able to develop"
    - is market overflowed with new coders that think they are developers? Absolutely.
    - is market overflowed with developers? I don't think so.
    - are some companies taking profit of that confusion? Yes.
    - is this bad for the industry? Yes, specially for developers, who become devaluated.
    - do I agree almost all people should learn to code? Yes. As a tool for their job.
    - do I agree almost all people should learn to develop as a tool for they job? Absolutely not.
    - do I think every body that learn to code can become a developer? Hell, no!
    - do we need new generations to become developers? In a healthy measure, yes
  • 3
    Wow, Thank you for giving me anxiety.
  • 7
    Similar thing happened in early 2000s with graphic designers.

    The market was FLOODED with half-baked designers that knew how to "Photoshop". Average starting salary dropped something like 50%

    If you're a hiring manager that hires "warm bodies" or "eyes on screen" you're a part of the problem.

    Your product quality is slipping and in a decade this industry will be in the same place industrial manufacturing is in right now.
  • 1
    @turbod oh my God this one hundred percent. My perfect example of someone who's a coder but not a developer look no further than me.
  • 1
    I just wonder if, should the developer salary collapse, why would any developer spend weekends and evenings studying further? Literally it never ends to keep up and improve. If you make the same or less than a regular desk job surely no one would want to do it anymore.
  • 3
    @craig939393 the truth is being a forever student is the future of many professions. And besides that if you like what you do, which is not the same as *enjoying* what you do, then you'll improve on your own anyway.
    It's when your employer expects you to keep up studying on your own, studying industry trends, *and* studying for them and their stack, all at the same time, but not *on* company time, that's when it becomes a problem.

    Or when they expect you to train your replacements, but don't tell you beforehand the replacement *is* a replacement.

    Or expect you to take on tasks outside and above your skill level when a senior leaves, and then instead of hiring another senior decide to merge those responsibilities with your existing job, but with no increase in seniority, pay, or time resources.

    Or when they do all of this without consulting you first.

    Corporate culture is a bulldozer.

    Or tankman.

    Except in the west the tanks would roll right over him and grind him into pulp.
  • 2
    And worse, the "generals" don't see their employees, the professionals, as driving the tanks. They see them as *standing in the way* of the tanks and cheaper drivers.

    They call it "professionalism" because you are expected to "profess" certain qualities, including mastery (that's fine and good and expected), selflessness, sacrifice, love for what you do and believe in, deference to those above you, and absolute dedication that sets aside human flaws and foibles.

    You know what other groups expect those qualities?


    Cults do.

    The truth is, perhaps, from the point of view of an outsider looking in that: much of the industry, at least the web and startup component, appears to reduce to make-work and not-invented-here syndrome, a bevy of self indulgence masturbating over pixel perfect designs, the comparative advantages of frameworks by people who don't honestly know enough to have an opinion, and funds using startups to engage in thinly veiled self dealing.
  • 4
    You mean people who just slap stuff together after doing crash courses without understanding what they actually did?
  • 3
    with corona still lurking in the corner. this gonna be the new shiny trend because of the remote advantage
  • 4
    Well that is easy, help the cause, quit.
  • 0
    @TeachMeCode......look at this..
  • 0
    Wow a really nice an effective way to kick me when I'm down 😂😂
  • 1
    @turbod You make the most sense here
  • 1
    I agree. They think a 100 days of code challenge is enough to get a job, lol. They are, however, flooding companies with applications, and thus employers now feel like they can be picky, but they are simply using it as a power move to pay low for more work and talent.
  • 1
    I wonder what percentage of commenters fall into the category of “should not have learned to code”.
  • 2
    In my opinion, it is the company's own responsibility if they hire inexperienced coders and lead them to become better over time. Small start-ups won't do this, because they have no resources for it. In a hiring process, those who took only the "JS Bootcamp Course - from zero to hero" can have the confidence to apply for a dev job, though may face rejection. This rejection will make them learn more or quit entirely. So the term, "flooded" could be valid, but the requirements are still there to selecting only those who are capable of getting things done properly. I don't think it's a real issue.
  • 2
    We always need new developers, but the advice is flawed

    "Just learn to code" makes it sounds too easy, and gives the impression that your "done" when you are somewhat fluent in a syntax

    In reality it should be "just learn to code and prepare yourself to be tortured for years until you have a tenuous grasp on an enormous breath of tertiary practices, systems and underlying foundations, at which point you'll only scream at your computer at daily increments instead of hourly"

    It's a good life, but it's really not for everyone
  • 4
    This is one of those things that sounds like it’s agreeable but is actually toxic af.

    To summarise what’s wrong with this, it’s not “You shouldn’t learn to code”. If you love programming you absolutely should. It’s “You shouldn’t learn to code under the assumption that it’s an easy way to get rich with no effort”.

    Don’t gatekeep programming.
  • 1
    @hashedram you can’t possibly be any more right
  • 2
    @TeachMeCode I guess the people who’re upvoting this are reading between the lines thinking OP means the latter but it seems like they’re just going around posting different versions of the same thing.

    “I am an elite class of programmer and most others are peasants” is what it seems to boil down to.
  • 0
    @hashedram I upvoted it and I'm well aware I'm a shitcoder.
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