Do you guys have the concept of caller tune in your country?

It's like when someone calls you, they hear a fancy melody (selected by you) instead of tring tring..

What a stupid concept. I pay for that shit and someone else who calls me gets to hear the good music whereas when I call someone, I hear the stupid tring tring or some music that I don't want to hear.

Shouldn't it be like, I pick some tune and whenever I call anyone, I should be able to hear it instead of tring tring because I am paying for it and I love to hear good music?

I am sure the creature who invented the concept was a Raccoon on some cheap acid.

  • 3
    I want that cheap acid nevertheless 🤔
  • 2
    @iiii You gotta be a brainless racoon for that.
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    @Floydimus I am already a brainless raccoon!😱
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    Why the fuck do you pay for it? Isn’t that free now? I have Airtel and I can set unlimited caller tunes for any amount of time for free.
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    @Cyanide Is it? Vodafone is lately being overly expensive with shitty services.

    I have been considering of migration. How would you rate your experience with Airtel?
  • 5
    Yea. That concept exists.
    Only companies really use it, never seen anyone use it privately.

    Usually some really annoying tune which generally gets my nerves really A N G E R Y
  • 1
    Luckily I've never come across this.
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    I mean, beyond company on-hold music, nope that's not a thing unless you have voicemail and your telco allows custom recorded messages.
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    @Ranchonyx oh gosh, a lot of people at my place have used it. it was very annoying
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    @Floydimus Airtel has been very good for me. 4.5/5
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    It should be built into the dialer application if you have headphones connected.

    Listening to dialing signal is so last century.
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    @vane some PMs at telecom industry need to hear this.

    @Ranchonyx @C0D4 this is for retail individuals.

    @Cyanide I see.
  • 1
    It exists, some of my friends use it. I don't pay much attention to it since I don't use the phone all that often anyway.
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    @iiii May I introduce you to our lord and savior, 1cP
  • 2
    In my country, a lot of people actually use it. Not sure why though :/
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