Dear PM: In the next couple weeks, I'm going to be taking sprint tasks on 4 teams instead of the usual 1 team. I'm concerned that I'll be too divided to deliver on any of them well.

Dear Dev: Should be fine, since you don't have to do those tasks all at the same time. It's like . . . you don't have to commute to the office and do your job at the same time.

  • 8
    You can't do a sprint properly without plannings, standups, restrospectives, etc.

    Being part of 4 teams at once = 4x all the meetings = no time for actual work
  • 1
    I've worked with some great PMs in the past, and they all generally take a LOT of shit that the production staff don't see behind the scenes, but this really is the cardinal rule: don't tell someone whose job you are not qualified to do, how easy a particular task of theirs is. Even the best of us want to get a little snarky at that moment, and stressed devs aren't exactly known for keeping a cool head in interpersonal affairs.
  • 0
    @MM83 critique of me or him? Or both?
  • 1
    @phoooooebe haha no, him - I hadn't seen how that could be misread though, perhaps there's something in it. For me as much as you.
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