
React native, Xamarin, NativeScript, Ionic, Phonegap

Which one ffs?

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    Xamarin can be a bit hard to get tech support.
    Recommend phonegap if u want great app.

    Your choice in the end
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    I have used Ionic for both Android and iOS app and one word "Awesome".
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    But phonegap lacks so much in performance 😕
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    If you know javascript/typescript i would go for reactNative or Native script.
    For reactNative, take a look at their license, its a dodgy one.
    Morr info in https://arielelkin.github.io/articl...
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    Haha you are kidding me :D :D Do you have any showcases?
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    React Native is a real winner imo. Some quirks with building but the promise of using React in a native app with no webview is pretty great.
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    @klemenkeko i'm not a dev, i'm a designer, but jasonette would allow me to build a small crud app with firebase over the weekend. Since it's quite a young project (november 2016) there aren't many showcases, exept for those on their website.

    I know most of the devs laugh at this aproach but i find the idea "everything is data" quite beautiful.
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    None of those options are native, so none of them
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    Does not react native and nativescript compiles into native code? They are not wrapped inside webview like phonegap...
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    @heyheni ... dude ... no. JSON is not suitable for that kind of work. I worked with colleagues trying to build the same thing. Dealing with all the strings is the most frustrating thing ever.

    It's a horrible idea, riddled with possible security issues, removes most of the features of modern IDE's and so on.
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    @klemenkeko compiles to, and writing native are very different things.

    It still gets compiled down to *their* native code. You will still have to deal with OS issues as well as issues from these tools.

    Trying to get support from these is always difficult. No matter which you choose, it doesn't have the developer network that native does
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    @practiseSafeHex Yeah, you always face some limitations which you did not expect when you start developing in specific framework. Every framework has it's own bugs, own problems,... And of course everything has it's own learning curve, which it leads to question if it's really better to use any of these.
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    @klemenkeko yep. The problem is that its much more likely to come across a bug that no-one else has.

    Case and point, years ago I used to use Appcelerators Titanium. On a HTC One S, running Android 4.0.2 (I think). You can't open a map with a pin on it, it will crash (Guess what phone the CEO had?). I spent DAYS working on that and got nothing. Had to leave the feature out and just make it not crash. They were not happy.

    That shit doesn't happen on native.

    I used Xamarin when they announced Storyboard and AutoLayout support. Was super excited. Turned out to follow completely different rules and buggy as fuck. Impossible to google, as its named the same as the native feature, and nobody on their forums was using it yet.

    Every one of these tools, has some major drawbacks, but they will all always have these impossible to debug issues, showing up randomly.

    I won't go back to any of them.
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    @practiseSafeHex Yeah I know the feels... I used to dev apps (well I still do but I am search for alts) where I work in phonegap for 2 years now and it's ok, if you need native support you just create plugin which expose API for async communicating [JavaScript <-> Native code] but I'm missing native feel which you can't get with WebView. Ofcouse you have quirks like removing that 300ms click delay in webview and other stuff but you can't get near native scrolling and animations.
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    Screw all that and go native
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    @searchindex that person just really hates JavaScript. Yikes. Half the shit he complains about is in most c like languages.
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    True, but i was talking the license agreement that Facebook applies. Is written on that post. Forget about the js hate
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    @searchindex yeah, I can see why that worries people. I think it should be worded better if it means what I think they want it to mean, which is "if you try to use our patented stuff, you can't use this", but honestly the whole document would be better without it.
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    Holy, that js hate is real. I just read that blog
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    @klemenkeko Yeah. Honestly, I don't know what he likes coding in, because things like implicit braces are in 90% of the languages I've used, as are most of his complaints.
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    @klemenkeko Also, he hates switch fallthrough? What? That is a feature of switches you silly lol
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    @iam13islucky haha switch without break falls in every language yes. I mainly develop in js and c# and I love both languages. I dont know which language I dont love. Oh objectiveC ofc 😂😂
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