
What's your favorite unpopular or obscure programming language?

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    @jonjo omg that's amazing
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    OOC - nice, small and compiles to C. What more could I ask for?
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    Haxe - the language that compiles to C++, C#, Javascript, Java, Python, Php, Neko, and Lua.

    I use it to make games :)
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    I still like to use perl, not sure it's obscure, pretty pervasive on Unix systems.
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    @silly-symphony that's sounds awesome! Can't believe I've never heard of it before, gonna check it out
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    @Darkler I am glad :) what I love here at devRant is that I also discover new things
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    @silly-symphony that's honestly the main reason I use this app. Or maybe more accurately: 50% to laugh, 50% exposure to new things
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    @silly-symphony also is there a reason haxe isn't super popular? Seems like having such a flexible tool would be handy unless it came at too high a performance cost or something
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    @Darkler I am not certain why this isn't popular. In terms of performance I think it depends on the target compiled language.
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    Hmm. In that case I'll take a look at it next time I have a decent amount of free time.
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    @CallMeCastillo Android games :)
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    @CallMeCastillo sorry mate, it is still in development :) However, you can try games made in Haxeflixel (game framework for Haxe) on their showcase page.
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    Well if you really wanna get risky… monkey x… never used it tho…
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    @CorruptComputer I think I have to try it out soon, only one way to find out!
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    @CorruptComputer me neither. But ones thing's for sure: it will be multiplayer
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    Live. Love. LUA.
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    Objective-C. For me, the most obscure syntax.
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    It's not a language, but I really like using python notebooks as an IDE during development. You can't push straight to release from them, but it's just so nice for experimenting. Totally under-loved.
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    Visual basic... Lol jk nobody likes visual basic 😂😂😂
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    We have it in this sem ;_;
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    @boo1997 dang idk if it's your 1st language but I took VB after taking advanced Java and C++, wanted to fucking die for a whole semester... To be fair my teacher warned me
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    @alwaysmpe is this java script?
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    Ruby on Rails. Dunno if it counts as unpopular but tbh I never see anyone using it :/
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    @Koolstr one of my friends is a rails developer. It's much less common than like java etc tho
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    @mk3d it is, it's like Apple was going out of their way just to be the most hipster 😂
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    lol. Not a single mentioned language was unpopular.
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    @ac1235 who thinks Ada is popular? It has to be the most beauracratic programming language of all time. Seriously, I haven't met a single programmer who has had to use it, say that they liked it.

    with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Hello is begin Put_Line ("Hello WORLD!"); end Hello;

    That code snippet is just ugly, IMHO.
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    @iAmNaN Hitler is also popular, but nobody likes him.
    Popularity is not measured by how pleasing something is.
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    @ac1235 True that. Just take a look at mainstream music played on the radio for proof of that.
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