
at this point everyone knows how to exit vim. enough with this joke, honestly. snakeksuejesdjkdowksheuiwwmshshsiwkwlwkdjehdufndhelpmeiwrotethisinvimandidontknowknowhowtoexitvimandimstuckpleaseehsjsnenbdjdnejdjskwkjsjxkwksiwuwhwbbsdn

  • 1
    There's not enough exclamation marks, you sir did not write this in vim
  • 3
    Not a single q in the entire message

  • 1
    To exit vim you have to hard-reboot your computer. It doesn't save Changes but that's ok, after reboot you can change your editor to something less cryptic >:D
  • 1
    @Hazarth But how if I can't save my changes to zshenv?
  • 0
    I could understand the joke in the 90s when you didn't have a second device that was internet capable... But nowadays? the joke has become quite old. :-P

    But yes... I dislike VI for that reason...

    Has become somehow a story an old grampa in his rocking chair would tell
  • 1
    You know you’re old when your co-workers ask “What’s vim?”
  • 1
    @devphobe virtual innocent massacre, because it made many innocent beginner developers to kill themselves
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