
If you don’t get your children vaccinated, remember…

The smallest coffins are the heaviest.

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    Not anymore kiki… we stopped putting lead in kids toys, they are not eating it anymore 😎

    Jokes aside… I really don’t get the fear for vaccines
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    Physics does not agree with you. With the same density the smaller object by volume should be also lighter.
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    We can do this!
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    What vaccines are we talking about here?
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    @gogokun But steel is heavier than feathers
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    I do get the fear for vaccines.

    I mean, my kid is vaccinated -- But seeing my tiny offspring being stabbed with a needle and then look at me as if her trust in me was violated, her eyes tearing up, face saying "help! dad! I'm being hurt!"...

    If she understood, I'd tell my toddler "We do this so your body makes antibodies so you don't get awful diseases like measles and even more awful diseases like polio".

    Scientifically, it's absolutely justified to vaccinate your child. In my opinion: You are ethically obligated to vaccinate your child.

    But I do GET it.

    I understand WHY less scientifically-inclined parents start making up reasons why vaccinations are bad.

    They feel emotional distress, seeing their kid get hurt.

    And then they start constructing arguments around those emotions:

    "If I say vaccinations cause autism, I have a semi-rational justification for avoiding a repeat of that emotional distress".

    Shortsighted -- But I do get it.
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    Approximately this:


    In most countries, the amount of jabs is relatively low because a single shot will protect against a whole series of diseases.

    Here in the Netherlands, a kid will have 8 visits to (our equivalent of) the CDC in total, spread out over 14 years.

    The exact vaccinations also depend a bit on the country, general population health and climate. Common cold variants and Varicella are relatively low risk for example so there's a certain "who cares" factor there. Polio, on the other side of the spectrum, is such a fucking terrifying disease that every kid should be protected against it.
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    @bittersweet Mhh I don’t know… I can understand that on an emotive level, but I can’t help not condemning it logically!
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    Yeah the difficult part is that a lot of parents will respond to instinct rather than logic.

    I actually think that the best way to convince parents that vaccination is a good idea, is to develop vaccines which don't make kids cry.

    Parents will most likely stop coming up with ridiculous hoaxes, when vaccines are like Star Trek hyposprays.

    As an ex-pharma chemist, I feel pretty strongly about scientific, statistical truths. And I wish all humans responded to hard data.

    I wish debunking fake rumors with evidence worked...

    But is it a realistic approach?

    It's like trying to teach a monkey that refrigerating half of his banana is a good idea to prevent future hunger. I mean... It is, but will shouting the truth at the monkey have any effect?
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    @Demolishun @arcadesdude

    I'd recommend staying away from dubious sites...

    The number of wrong information regarding vaccines, especially Covid 19, is completely rock off the charts.

    Think we had this discussion previously...

    Any vaccination carries risks. That is without a doubt.

    But any disease carries risks, too.

    The myth of the "it's just measles / chicken pox / ..., the kid will be fine" is a very dangerous one.

    Thx to the effort by self proclaimed Facebook experts in completely undermining _any_ vaccination we might see the coming back of several diseases that could have been wiped out already.

    It's easy to not make a decision because one is afraid, but at least be aware of the consequences - many diseases have severe long term side effects.
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    @arcadesdude @Demolishun

    Vaccinations decrease the chance of SIDS -- Possibly because fewer babies get low-symptomatic viral airway infections, possibly because parents who vaccinate also listen more to other science-backed childcare advises.


    Since I've become a parent, I've met so many other parents who don't take their babies outdoors, don't ventilate nurseries/bedrooms, set thermostat too high in fear of the baby getting cold, and throw 30 stuffed animals in the cot.

    The #1 case of infant mortality in wealthy countries is, unsurprisingly, parents literally smothering their kids to death.
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    I agree with and am comfortable with all vaccines except the most recent one. It’s a vastly different approach, and we don’t know long term effects of that approach yet. (Or its efficacy.)

    I also don’t trust anything that is pushed hard, especially by our wonderful government, and they’ve been pushing it harder than basically anything in history. There’s also so, so much misinformation out there going both ways it’s hard to figure out what parts might be true.

    It is also quite literally (and humorously) code injection, so, that’s worrying too.

    (And then there’s the reports that it makes long covid worse, which is what I’m struggling through.)
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    @iiii its more about losing a child.
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    @Root rnk vaccines aren't really new though...
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    Propaganda is misinformation and there is too much of it believed by the masses who are for vaccines.

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    Ok. I watched the video, at least partially.

    First - I don't know who the guy speaking is.

    Sources? Well, 4 links at the end. When you Google the links / companies behind the links, it makes really sense that he mentions these as they do exactly the same stuff he does....

    America's Frontline Doctors - Right wing
    Children Health Defenders - Anti vaccination, ...

    Freedomtaker.com is mentioned once.

    When you open that site, it essentially does the same the speaker does 10 minutes: Fear mongering.

    Letting aside the fear mongering and the paranoid view that the pharma industries controls the government and that the pharma industry uses the government to turn us into human guinea pigs...

    There is an obvious misconception that is repeated and that you can disprove by yourself.

    The misconception of herd immunity. Herd immunity was one of the first things that came up and that hasn't worked in 2 years. For various reasons, e.g. the high mutation rate.

    So what the author of the vid does is two fold:

    - fear mongering, provoking and instilling a certain aggression
    - giving references that build upon the same ideology and patterns by repeating the ideology to be true

    Now... That's a classic cult movement.

    "Follow our ideology, don't be afraid, we will guide you".

    It's so extreme in this video that I really struggle to understand how a person can be so blind and to take this for granted?
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    @IntrusionCM If you still think it is about a virus at this point you are part of the cult that you project others are part of. Classic cultist tactics. Read this and I hope you get the help you need.

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    @arcadesdude mhhh interesting article, so basically the cult leader which is… uuhh… the WHO I guess… is already controlling every state on the earth except for Russia and China (which both happen to have a high death rate for -totally not the virus which they don’t admit exists-) and it’s fearmongering to improve the cult on them by raising awareness on an illness, inventing a test for it, sinking money on research and so on. Oh and probably people just started dying randomly of pneumonia and every hospital is following this same scheme.

    … or… you are paranoid.

    Idk man… what sounds more probable and backed by testable facts… Mhh…
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    @piratefox More likely you are being lied to by megacorporations and governments to spread fear mongering of a virus that doesn't exist and believing all the lies.

    World government is real. WHO/WEF/UN and other organizations very much ARE influencing or outright controlling media and your perceptions. If you don't see it then you're not looking.

    Now ad-hominem arguments are not proof, nor is absence of a thing proof. Yet proof is there for those willing to look for it. For those stuck in their stories of a virus, unable to question the lies, it can only be ascribed as willful ignorance at this point.

    The conspiracy theorists are right about this, world gov is a real conspiracy (not theory) and the "virus" that "caused sickness" for two years, but not enough sickness to exceed normal all cause mortality deaths, at least until the vaccine came out, is also a real conspiracy. Facts are moulded by money and media not by reality here. You believe a thing that isn't even true.
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    @arcadesdude my grandpa died from Covid lung failure
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    @Root lol look at this guy ^
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    For those that had covid or had people die of covid (sorry for your loss). They died of something other than covid that was listed as covid. I've known people that have dropped only orange juice in covid tests that tested positive and the tests were "covid positive."

    Disease is real yes but covid is not a real disease. Doctors and scientists have spoken out against the media but everyone in the "cult of covid" keeps repeating the "fact" checks funded by the pharmacy companies as absolute dogma, when the "fact" checks are absolute dog shit. Sadly, it is harder to convince someone they've been fooled and they will lash out when they suspect their worldview is in question, which it is and should be as everything should be questioned.

    Only 6 companies currently control most of the media. These companies are funded by the very industry that hopes you buy into their story about covid.

    Sneak Peak: "The Viral Delusion" https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/...
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    @arcadesdude so there’s a virus or a series of virus which is not covid, has a corona shape, responds to covid tests, gets hinibited by covid vaccine and has the covid symptoms and mortality rate… but is not covid and we should beware of the new world order spreading fake infos.

    Oh yeah and every state leader, pharmacy, hospital is collaborating with it.

    Fuck! So that’s where the good project leaders are! I knew it!
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    Vaccines are very harmful and most people will defend them with a fanaticism that goes beyond the religious nutcase.

    Just some of the numerous testimonies of harmful effects that of course get censored by our media overlords:
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    @piratefox No. A made up catch all label has been applied to existing illness and used to prop up artificial numbers to fund greedy mega corporations and sell their products which have death as a side effect to boot. All the actual science gets censored or ignored and the false science, funded studies and media fear mongering loudmouths are propped up and the noisiest ones are all that people hear until they turn away from the propaganda.
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    @arcadesdude so one question. Why not just inject saline? Your vaccine is 100% safe and it’s fool proof. Ofc you could object someone could steal the vaccine and analyse it but hey, in fact why don’t you go steal a vaccine and check for the viruses in it? You’ll have a surprise: deactivated covid.

    I get it, it’s so that smart people like you can be terminated at will with the side effects of the vaccine.

    …or again… you are just living a delusion.

    And please don’t start with the population reduction claim, otherwise why the fuck would they put it in optional vaccines and not in food which has a bigger reach without having to force someone undergo a shot?
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    For a "virus" that hasn't been fully isolated (monkey cells don't count) there can be no "deactivated covid" (you mean sars-cov2 but whatever).

    The "science" in favor of the covid narrative is corrupted and paid for by the very companies that have YOU deluded. Projection is the way for those who do not see their own shadows.
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    @piratefox that reduction claim is basically the boomers retire and die away. Also not giving them the vaccine i the first place has a bigger reduction effect than giving it to them.

    Just a different name to hide the simple fact.
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    @piratefox It isn’t deactivated covid, or it would be a standard vaccine.

    The covid vaccine payload is mRNA strands that instruct your cells how to produce one of the virus’s spike proteins, plus some padding and immune system markers. Your cells take in the mRNA, follow its instructions, and (usually) discard it afterward. The effect of this is to teach your immune system to identify that particular spike protein as hostile and to attack it when found. It also kind of works like an amplifier: a small amount of mRNA makes your cells produce a larger amount of … basically wanted posters for (a small part of) the virus. (WANTED: the guy attached to this arm! 😅)

    By contrast, a typical vaccine contains deactivated/weakened viruses that allow your immune system to learn about the whole virus, not just a single protein, so it can still recognize variants of the virus as it mutates. (And, minor: doesn’t co-opt your cells to do it.)

    Don’t get me wrong: mRNA is kind of awesome and it’s incredibly useful. It just doesn’t seem like the right tool for the job. (Or at least not how it’s being used here.)

    (Again: it is still code injection, so that’s worrying, but if done correctly it should work just fine.)
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    People are sick with what they've always been sick with your own personal anecdote notwithstanding. Media hypes up existing illnesses and passes it off as a "novel virus" which is nonsense.

    The scientific method and process is sound. However, it is not exempt from corruption simply by censoring or failing to publish science that contradicts the evidence.

    Question your beliefs and look at evidence that is not funded by the pharmaceutical companies (the funding of most studies traces back inevitably to the pharma companies or companies that are taking lobbied money from same said pharma companies).
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    @arcadesdude I think there is a disease called covid. I had something last fall that caused my oxygen level to drop to unsafe levels. Iver corrected it within a day or two. The disease is a weaponized virus created using gain of function research. The response was not proportional to the actual threat. I agree with you there.
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    @UnicornPoo In the military there is a thing called compartmentalization. This allows a large project to be divided up so that nobody has a complete picture of what they are working on. So the people involved never know what the final output is. This was done during the development of the atomic bomb. It has been continued to be used in corporations and government to protect trade secrets and hide the final output of products and projects. So they people involved can legit claim they aren't creating something that they may actually be creating. I was introduced to this concept over a year ago when someone described how some of the vaccines were developed. This made zero sense to me. Why take these extra steps unless you are hiding something?
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    That's the part that I find most remarkable, too.

    In general.

    Seems like I kicked off a pretty ... disturbing ... discussion.

    An estimated (rounded up to 8) 8_000_000_000 humans live on earth.

    Depending on way of counting, 195 countries / 197 countries.

    I can get a lot of paranoid stuff, but the things - not only regarding COVID, but rather in general - currently ongoing I find disturbing.

    In a nutshell, all these countries and people should be ruled by a shadow government, all information is faked and everything is a lie except what the guy in the video says? Even though all these countries have complete different history, socio economic backgrounds, laws etc?

    Nope, not rationally explainable.

    @Floydimus I guess I repeat myself... What some people belief is astonishing - in context to your previous rant regarding Indians.
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    @Root oh gosh you are right, pardon me I was having fun and forgot that we reached that crazy good achievement of using mrna! Crispr is such a great advancement!
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    Banking is the answer to the control question:

    "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies," Jefferson wrote. " If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around (these banks) will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

    "You will own nothing and be happy."

    Look what happened to leaders and countries that resisted the banking system. Leaders are generally assassinated and replaced. Most likely by the CIA.
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    @arcadesdude I want to hear your opinions on the following topics
    1. What’s the mechanism of UN controlling media in Russia about Covid? I lived there my whole life, just recently moved to another country, and I can reassure you russian propaganda machine doesn’t give a fuck about UN and other such entities, at least it seems like it.
    2. The sheer swiftness of Covid media response all over the world, including China, is unprecedented. How did they pull it off?
    3. Whom the Covid thing benefits?
    4. Who’s in on it?
    5. How do I tell the shill from the innocent?
    6. Does the widespread virus called Covid that has certain specific symptoms exist, but it’s way less dangerous than media portrays it, or it doesn’t exist after all?
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    Those vaccinated with the c19 vaccine MORE likely to be hospitalized that those unvaccinated.



    Does Russia have any mainstream media companies? ABC, MSNBC, Disney, etc? All the main media companies are only owned by a few parent companies. I'm sure Russia is NOT immune from the WEF/UN/WHO "get your shot" propaganda. Did you move out before the nonsense started because the propaganda was put on max power after it started.

    For your second question that is a huge red flag! No coordinated response could come naturally worldwide. This nonsense plandemic was planned. See the various training exercises that were done prior to the plandemic in 2019 and earlier. These UN and member countries have been "wargaming" this "pandemic" for countless years, but only in Oct 2019 once they've already prepared millions of doses of "vaccines" did they go full tilt in their preparation for the c19 pandemic. Event 201 videos are still out there. Watch the content...
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    ...and the language used in those event planning videos. See who is involved and where the money they give out goes. Follow the money to find their motivations.

    Why are they doing it? What is behind this to put it bluntly isn't human. The global goals also know as sustainable development goals, agenda 2021/2030, the fourth industrial revolution, and the "great reset" are a completely bonkers change about life on Earth and what it means to be human.

    The immediate goal is to merge technology with humanity for the purposes of control of the populations through required passports used for authorization. Constant reauthorization for anything. Also the social credit system like China has is part of their plan to squelch dissent of the government rulers.

    Control of the population they believe is necessary because they believe resources are limited. This is why we see such DESPERATION from the truly authoritarian polices that are about control rather than any actual "virus."
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    Who's in on it?

    Yes. The WHO is in on it. There are others who associate with the WHO. It really is a global conspiracy. Not everyone is in on it. But many influential people in very powerful positions are, in all governments of the world and also in many of the mega corporations.
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    How do you tell a shill from an innocent?

    You can find the answer to this question by going on Reddit and asking them how you tell who is a bot and who is not 😂. Good luck sorting out the replies!

    Really though. Shills will defend or use psychology in some way to detail, defer, defend or dismantle arguments of their opponents. Marketers are just really good psychologists trying to sell you on what to believe or not believe to get you to buy into their product or believe system. Those who question ALL beliefs, even very fundamental beliefs like in the existences of viruses themselves, will not believe further nonsense. If the CV virus never existed because viruses themselves are a lie, then their whole story of "a pandemic" falls apart.

    But we see the desperate psychological warfare tactics in play, including pushing the narrative that sars-cov2 was biologically engineered.

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    Not humans? What do you mean not humans? Like aliens? Little green guys or grey guys running around?

    No. Not at all. The "people" (and I use that term loosley) behind this look human, talk like humans, speak like humans but they're anything but human.

    They have no empathy, no belief in a higher power and only want to control, everything including YOU.

    They are transhumanists (like Musk) or those doing the bidding of the transhumanists. Their actions are anything but human however as they are against the human spirit (or soul) and don't want you to believe you are more than simply a materialist body without anything further.

    The longer agenda:

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    @Root not all COVID vaccines are mRNK ones. There are ones with the deactivated virus (Chinese coronavac is one of those) and some with the parts of the virus' "corona" but not the whole virus itself.
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    Coronavirus and Covid vaccines aren’t what concern me the most. What concerns me especially is how governments have jumped on the opportunity to control populations by doing things I thought were never to escape the realm of Orwellian/Kafka literature. Tracking people with QR codes, imposing lockdowns and curfews, dividing the good (vaccinated) citizens and the bad ones, ostracizing the latter. Through all this we’ve seen how populations can be docile with the fear that’s been instilled. The stage has been set and it’s only a matter of time before QR codes and nfc chips become the norm.
    This coming from someone who’s been infected with covid, vaccinated against it and has lost acquaintances to it.
    But I’m rather baffled that people aren’t more concerned about how authorities have abused of the whole situation and the risks this poses to some fundamental human rights and liberties
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    @black-kite how should it have been done in your opinion?
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    @black-kite I can’t agree more.
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    @black-kite @Root

    I see it the same way.

    Reason I find the reactions regarding the matter so disturbing.

    There are - no matter what country - thousands of massive problems ongoing.

    I mean - we could have peaceful and senseful protest in many countries, people arguing in a "sane" way with rational arguments.

    Instead it has become... Sort of a bullshit bingo show.

    It's not anymore about finding a sane way to make a decision for the greater good, e.g. a compromise, instead it has become a let's just throw all our opinions out and do the most irresponsible things.

    I'm so tired of it.

    This isn't meant btw specific to COVID - but general.

    "We could digitalize school education in a data privacy safe manner"

    - Rational

    Side 1: we cannot trust the government, everything must be analog

    Side 2: Data privacy is too complicated, shit on it

    Side 3: Our state (Germany - federal, 16 states ) does want it, but in our own way, cause we're special snowflakes.

    Side 4: oh we could make another failed country wide IT solution and put the school certificate in the block chain. Not that this matters given the federal situation and desaster is preprogrammed, but hey - LETS DO BLOCKCHAIN.

    In the end, we have now since many years a stalemate. There is no solution, instead it's just worse and a complete fuckup.

    We _could_ have made a compromise and made a _lot_ of people happy, instead we have now yet another stale mate cause everyone's throwing shit.
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    @black-kite It was NEVER about health. It was only about control.

    When "pandemic" hit:

    1. Lock people inside: no exercise, isolation, lack of interaction which weakens immune system. The immune must interact with pathogens to work.

    2. Destroy small businesses in favor of big businesses. Ma and Pa ain't essential, but Chinamart is.

    3. Wear masks to prevent spread. Which is like stopping spit with a chain link fence. Which also brings bacterial pneumonia and other respiratory issues. As well as mental problems in children. Look what this shit did the deaf community. They rely on reading lips to interact with society.

    The governments didn't promote good health at all. They should have been telling people to up their intake of vitamin D and getting outside and exercising. One of the number one factors in covid deaths was low vitamin D. Instead they arrested people for surfing by themselves or fishing on a lake by themselves.

    Health is not and never was a concern.
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    1) Fun fact: you can exercise inside! Also that’s not how the immune system works, and by the way you don’t eat perfectly sterile food making you still exposed to non-airborne viruses & germs.

    2) Small businesses which could and were smart enough moved their business online and/or stopped renting their physical space, reducing the losses and reopening after the pandemics

    3) We’ll be sure to tell your surgeons not to wear masks when they operate you sir.

    D) you need 5 mins a day of sun for your vitamin d, which you can achieve by opening a window and taking some air…if the window is closed, the uvb rays are blocked, inhibiting the vitamine production.

    1-3-D) you are not a pathologist, virologist and/or general physician. You are a dev. You are behaving like the asshole customer insisting they know programming and that you should use jQuery cause they know (from what they read) it’s the best for business applications. Let it sink in your mind
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    @Demolishun I'm just marking all this bullshit as "offensive/spam". Such blatant disinformation and conspiracy theories have no place in civil society.
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