What did you learn today?

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    that i wrote some shitty html last year
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    That thoughts alone can cause actual physical pain.
  • 3
    That Neural Linguistic Programming is kinda interesting.
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    TIL that if you translate "god" in Italian, it becomes a jojo reference.

    Also images of "Dixon Church".
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    Once again, don't listen to the dumbass managers / don't take them too seriously.
  • 6
    Analysing Wireshark, getting migraine, then finishing Wireshark Analysis with migraine makes me even more aggressive than I already am in pain.

    But mumbling TCP connection states has something soothing.

    Especially when Ack and Rst make the connection D I E. DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE.
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    What SRL means.
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    @Demolishun isn't it Natural Language Processing?
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    I learnt about what I had learnt supposedly learnt 2 hours ago.
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    As soon as I have a solution to one problem, another problem will force itself onto me.
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    That I can't focus on shit unless I listen to music to drown out the noise in my head.
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    That even the shitest code is testable if you read and wait long enough
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    TIL nothing, I was mostly just writing.

    But last week I learned

    - that string interning is non-optional in langdev

    - that if a language has any situation where line breaks might be significant, they must become a lexeme

    - that I suck at documenting implementations and naming locals (not so much with functions and types at least)

    - that I'm bad at keeping the implementation to the effort level of the idea. Often I come up with a plan of action quickly to save time and then waste a disproportionate amount of time trying to implement the rushed plan instead of weighing the plan itself in light of unforeseen obstacles
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    I re-read most of my codebase last week and concluded that I spent at least 2 months writing code I have to discard for reasons I was aware of very early into that 2 months.
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    > essentially off topic but I got a notif for this rant and felt like nesting my rant in the comments
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