Please do not send me fucking messages saying “hi how are you?“ and then wait for my response before asking me what you actually want.

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    Send them this link: https://nohello.net
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    @Bandic00t You read my mind. That’s great.
  • 2
    @Bandic00t thanks for this!
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    At least they asked a question...
  • 5
    I waited a week for someone to finish their thought because of this.

    I refuse to respond to that shit.
  • 2
    @horse this would inspire me to setup some hold music.

    "Your call matters to us! Please stay on the line until Simon becomes available."
  • 1
    Should ask them " How high are you "
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    @Bandic00t I've been burned for being impolite by being nohello direct in my communication approach.

    The world is weird. Or maybe I am 🤔
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    @bastianrob Snowflakes will be snowflakes, sadly. It's ironic that those who communicate poorly lambast others for recommending a way to improve.
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    I never start my questions with "hi" or "hello" or whatever, I always apologize if I'm interrupting them first thing, and state my question in the same message, as say "You don't have to immediately respond" if it's not urgent.

    That's how to speak to other devs without getting immediately blocked or ignored.
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    Still better than "Hi" and nothing else. 2h later when you send "hi" back they already have 2000 chars prepared to send to you.
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    @Bandic00t lmao 'be the hot chick'
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