tesla service car is a gas powered ford

  • 25
    Of course, a service car has to be reliable after all
  • 4
    Good thing it's not a Nissan with a 70-mile range.
  • 0
    u expecting cybertruck for a service
  • 1
    what else can they do since tesla truck is gonna get released next year? XD
  • 1
    This picture literally summarizes, why they need to make an electric van too. No one else is gonna doing it until Tesla shows them how.
  • 0
    So much for tesla being a fullly electric car company!
  • 0
    They need to focus their factories on producing cars they'll sell. There is still quite a long wait when you order a Tesla. They to make these kind of choices guys.

    That said, the joke is still funny 🤣
  • 1
    Too me, electric cars in cold weather seems dangerous. Batteries do terrible in the cold.
  • 1
    That's hilarious
  • 1
    In the industry we call this a bruh moment
  • 1
    And germany funds this shig
  • 1
    I fucking TOLD you.
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