Why don't school and colleges don't teach git?

  • 16
    because teachers love to use the same exams during their whole career every year 😄
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    They dont teach anything useful
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    Actually they do, but then again I can only speak from my own experience in Norway :)
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    I mean, teach GIT. If they teach anything else useful is still up for discussion.
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    They don't even know what GIT is!
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    My physics department taught me because our work was on github. They'll teach it if it's part of their workflow.
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    Why did you use two "don't"s in this sentence! :p
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    @samarthagarwal because some schools don't not teach it
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    Speaking for India:
    Because they themselves don't know it, never used it. Same goes for most of the other technologies.
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    IMHO, they teach students how to learn new stuff, this includes Git. 😎
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    I am a grammar nazi programmer and this hurts on so many levels !
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    @mac-aga lol sorry... I didn't realised until now...
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    Here in germany you can be happy if you learn something about coding in school. They mostly only teach you very basic stuff
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    When I mentioned Github my IT teacher didn't even know what it was
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    They follow an education plan that is changed every other decade.
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    It wouldn't even be that hard to integrate into the school's workflow.
    Instead of sending every finished project in a zip file, they could just ask every student to send them the link to a git repository where they can get the code. And maybe then give extra points to the people who used git properly and created branches, useful commit messages etc.
    It would only take a couple of sessions to teach the basics of git at the start of the year and everybody would learn a valuable skill, which is supposed to be the point of schools
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    I was taught git here at college in Slovakia. not that we used it, but one class has been about git and the teacher is using it, so it was pretty cool
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    They do. All our assignment submissions were pushed to github private repos. Also around 10% of the grade was given for frequent commits, relevant comments, good structure and documentation.
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    We even have our own github tailored for education, so some universities​ definitely teach git!
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    As a Norwegian we submidt obligatory tasks from/to gitLab x3
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    @RakNoel eeey, UiB 👌
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    @ObjSal I think it's because the teachers didn't care. They have become lazy, one might say. They have a system that they use every year and do not change anything. So I didn't go to university at all, I filed a personal statement help, used https://writix.co.uk/personal-state... for that. And so my years at the university passed. I didn't see the point in learning what the teachers wrote 10 years ago. It's very sad to see all this.
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