How much did you learn about coding and computer science in school?

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    Fucking nuthin.
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    Coding - not that much, because I already knew a lot before joining college. But learnt a lot of Computer Science (Digital design, microprocessors, theory of computation, compiler design, Linux kernel etc)
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    How computer works
    Convertion between data types
    UI of windows 95
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    At high school when I was 16 I learned Pascal. I was 16 years ago.
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    We learned Microsoft Office, and some very very very basic HTML, like tables and stuff. At that point I knew more than my teacher, I'm sure I posted a rant about this some time ago.
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    I only touched a computer a handful of times at school, never mind learning anything. Kids these days are lucky :p
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    Wrote my first lines of code on college
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    If by school you mean high school, then I'd say Core java. First program being swapping two numbers .(individually written)(other than the usual hello world)
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    My grade four teacher had a commodore vic 20 and each week he let one child borrow it for the week. It came with a book that explained how to write programs https://manualslib.com/manual/...

    After that not much until year 11&12 where we wrote programs in pascal and Visual Basic and did sql and relation database design
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    High school, nothing. College, everything, because I didn't know anything about it yet ;). Though internships and summer jobs were the most valuable.
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    @theScientist "Leguaan" in dutch means iguana, might be the same thing.
  • 2
    @theScientist yes it actually is . Leguan is the German word for iguana.
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    The basics of course. Those who says nothing didn't pay any attention or are to ignorant
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    Lots about the science of computing. Can't -teach- coding though, that must be learned by doing.
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    They teached some basic c, basic classic asp with microsofts dbo, html, css, js. But it was rubbish. Came just to tests as my teacher didnt care, when i did came i helped her to teach the subjects
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    Nothing in high school. Taught myself gw-basic when I was in 3 or 4th grade. Got bored of that, learned Turbo Pascal when I was 13 or 14, wrote a bunch of BBS utilities and doors. At 15 or 16, I started using UNIX. Learned Java, SQL, and Visual Basic in college. Taught myself Perl, Python, and C# at my first job.
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    None, self taught
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    @codepoet I could guess we're from the same country based on this, even tho it probably applies to most places. We're even from the same city lol
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    I learned a lot about data structures and objects. The importance of clean code and what it means to program effectively instead of hacking away a solution.
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    In high school, not much because I was already self-taught C++ at the time and so was already way ahead of the material (grade 11 and 13).

    In university though, tons! But that's 'cause I majored in Computer Science. 🙂
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    Not a single thing, but we've got a robotics class coming, and I'm only one of three people in the school who can code
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