So I visited my aunt's house a few days back.
They heard I write code (read: Google and copy-paste from Stack Overflow), and wanted me to help repair their computers.
Saw my cousin playing Battlefield 4 at sub-20 fps with a GTX 750 Ti on the lowest settings. His fucking CPU fan was bust, and judging by the amount of dust in his system, I literally thought he was cramming dust in there on purpose.

After a heavy dusting, another stick of RAM (4GB -> 12GB), a new heatsink (CoolerMaster T400i), and a fresh copy of Windows 10 (along with Office, etc.), he could play games at 60+ fps again.

What do I get? Not even a fucking thank you. Just a "you done yet? I want to play video games."
I mean... Gee. Your cousin flew all the way to a new continent, spent his precious vacation time helping you out, and all he gets is a cold-ass shoulder.
Even my fucking ex gave me more than that.

  • 34
    Fuckin consumers man.
  • 14
    Tbh, probably would've stopped, and reverted back to the previous version.
  • 10
    @jhh2450 Rootkit, that's what I'd do. Sorry cuz
  • 8
    Keylog his shit
  • 11
    Throw the dust back in
  • 3
    That is sad, but maybe he didn't like you put win 10 there.
  • 3
    @anicka-burova what would you have him do? It's the only reasonable system for gamer plebs
  • 0
    @nicholai if we talk about gaming os, then win 8.1 has all you need, has dx11 and most gaming devices have enough stable drivers on it. What benefit has win10 over that for gaming?
  • 3
    @anicka-burova DX12 and longer driver support :)
    And honestly, that god damn W8 start menu: smh
  • 0
    @nicholai he is using 750 gpu, that has no dx12 so no point there.
  • 1
    @nicholai nah I am taking it back, 750 has dx 12 apparently, you are right with dx.
  • 2
    If I got that kind of sass after helping family out I'd toss their fucking computer in the damned pool!
    Fucking Ingrates!
  • 2
    Don't do it for them, name them do it under your supervision. Teach a man to fish.
  • 2
    Tell them you can't do more. Or charge them like you do with clients.
    NEVER work for free for friends and family. At most point them to nearest computer service.
  • 0
    I think you just have never been in such situation. And I feel sorry for you about getting scammed at repair shops.
  • 0
    @Jop- at scammer?
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