
I still haven't updated my Windows laptop of new update. The reminder is annoying lol, I have clicked snooze button more than I do on my alarm

  • 3
    I usually update when I can no longer use the program until I do. Like Spotify. Couldn't listen to music today until I updated...
  • 1
    The red one should be "because I don't WannaCry"...
  • 0
    Because Windows forcefully restarted my PC 100%
  • 1
    I actually went the opposite direction the other day. I bought a used computer with Win XP just for playing games and (for obvious reasons) offline only. Computer games suddenly became fun again! :)
  • 0
    As an Arch user, I'm disappointed when I run pacaur -Syu and don't have any updates.
  • 2
    pro tip, if you mark your network connection as "metered", then windows will be less chattier, and only do security updates or critical bug fixes.
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