
Other than typescript, what is the best language for back end development? PHP?

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    Ya aint my king buddy
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    @RazorSh4rk ha! Nailed it
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    @Letmecode I honestly didn't see the tags but Typescript and Backend don't match (unless I'm wrong) that's why I threw COBOL :P
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    @gitpush Typescript works just fine with nodejs so it isn't all that bad for backends (better than js and php atleast)
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    @ItsNotMyFault But how far can it go? I don't know Typescript, but from Microsoft Docs I understood it is a front end thing only
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    @Letmecode i was referring to op dude's name lmao
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    @gitpush as far as you want to push it. The only concern I'd have is performance on big monolithic applications.
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    Java? Python? Go?

    The options are there, you just need to select one according to your use case.

    PD: JavaScript based languages for backend are in my experience awful.
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    @siksik as I thought, it is still a small solution thing and not like Python, C#, C, C++ ..etc. right?
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    Brainfuck? Arnold-C?
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    Why all the hate for PHP?
    When it comes to web development, PHP 7 used on well designed projects using composer and symfony components is a real pleasure to work with, I'm serious.
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    @Matthieu and the Laravel framework is great too in my opinion..
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    @Demitpi laravel is indeed a great framework (it uses symfony components too in its core, I think they are nice for all type of php web projects)
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    DOS batch file
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    Pre ISO-99 C
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    Punch cards sorted by pigeons
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    @Matthieu You can put make-up on a pig but it is still a pig.
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    Yes I am, now hail me, damn it 👑🦈 @RazorSh4rk
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    Depends on the scope of the project and what you're trying to solve. Node is my goto because it's incredible community and seemingly limitless modules and frameworks available. If you want to try something new, give meteor.js a shot. My other quirk with JavaScript is everything in one language.

    Rails has been on a decline for a while, Codeacademy just trashed it, Codefights is ditching Ruby, and it's too opinionated for modern web apps or services.

    Flask/Django is a solid choice, but if you're planning to scale I would steer away unless your going with a microservice architecture.

    GoLang is incredibly fast and offers concurrency better then any other language or platform out there. Google, as well as numerous other tech giants have began adopting it.

    C++ with Pistache if your going for a RESTFUL or CRUD backend and want a challenge.
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    Does the question assume that TypeScript is awesome?
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    English. Trainers generally shout at you in English when they're developing your glutes. It's effective.
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    Arnold C
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    @gitpush Well, we have full ecomm sites running in node with no issue at all. Additionally, you can always modularize and balance according to needs :)
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    @siksik ok this is cool, and also spots the light on skills, I mean this forces dev to carefully consider each part of the system. I like, might try it out soon for the sake of testing my skills
    Thanks man
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    @gitpush typescript is just a formalised JavaScript, it's not a language or something it's just a more explicit and more strict syntax than js, then it's compiled into pure joy before running. Therefore one can't say that ts is for back end or front end.. kind of sass and css for example..
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    I am writing back end typescript. Just use ts-node with the --fast option. No more undefined is not a function errors caused by misspellings.
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    Nah dudes, real backend developer use perforated cards
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