
Choose one language that will stay and be used universally by every coder, and the others will vanish

I choose Python, what about you?

  • 44
    I go with JavaScript, which means that I am the most hated person on Earth now
  • 4
    I choose Kotlin. What makes you choose Python?
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    @ryanmhoffman well I really love the simplicity of it, you dont have to be a genius to admire it. Plus it has a lot of modules and tools
  • 27
    I choose C#. Java sucks
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    @savethecode cool. I love Python, it would be my second choice, but I was just curious.
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    @luminousnine really? Can I try it out?
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    Assembly, so we can still actually control computers? The question never said "Your language adopts all low level operations"

    You can't write to the disk in any language besides assembly.
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    @AlgoRythm I guess thats true, do you know how to use it? Cause I sure do want to learn
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    I love Java but I know it's not good for everything. So I'd go with C or Python. Both are great.
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    @savethecode I understand how it works, generally, but couldn't even close to perform a hello world.
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    I would choose Ruby. 😊
  • 11
    C++ FTW!
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    @mightyleguan that's the thing. We can't ever do without a client side language for web applications but JavaScript doesn't really excel on more demanding or other specialized tasks.

    I guess that's why there's not just one language. Uh... 🤔
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    I say JavaScript. It's taking over everything. You can make OSes with it, back end, front end, apps. Can you make an app with Python?
  • 2
    Java 😝
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    @berserkcoder well of course, I made a lot of apps with python in any platform
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    Rust. It's the next big thing so may as well be ready for it.

    Otherwise I'd have gone C#.
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    @mightyleguan Sorry man, I choose PHP 😅. I will have quite some hate now 😆
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    Python, same man 😎
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    got to be C# for me. Such a pleasant language to work with.
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    Machine code. It's the only language you *actually* need, even without Assembly
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    @savethecode @zuck @naththesourav Cpython sucks and is worse than Java. PyPy for life.
    '''Python is scripting language and in words of Guido Van Rossum "it has to be implemented" '''
  • 3
    English. I win.
  • 4
    I choose X because Y sucks so bad.

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    I choose Javascript. Because, well, everybody knows it already and it's quite easy when you about it.
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    Since there are people that say HTML it is a programming language, I would choose plain HTML (no JS, no CSS) and just watch the world burn.
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    I don't know but Python is probably the best language to use in teaching the first few semester topics of CS.

    But I guess C is mandatory for anyone who needs to know how stuff works under the hood.

    Python is not a good language to teach OOP concepts. Java is the best followed by C++ among the most popular languages , for that matter.
  • 3
    C++ anytime anyday
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    @theuser I hate you now
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    I think chicken is a pretty well versed and capable language
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    It has LLVM, that way we can easily recreate the other languages
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    I asked my sister she says the one with zeroes and ones...
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    @luminousnine oh well you got a lot to learn pal, you probably would want to learn some language designer thing i dont know
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    Fast, reliable and versatile.
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    common lisp 👌😅
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    My vote is for the language which surpasses time, has low level access and many other languages have based their syntax and/or are implemented in it... yep I think C will win all odds :)
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    Go. go Go.
  • 2
    Hate it
    Don't like low level programming
    But you can do anything with C
    And most languages are C based...
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    C. Because I hate everyone <3
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