

  • 54
    DD/MM/YYYY ftw
  • 15
    I get that this is a meme/joke, but saying that people are retarded because they like/use this or that, which could be the opposite of what you like/use... it's just not a nice thing.
    I use DD/MM/YYYY btw.
  • 82
    I use YYYY-MM-DD. Sorts like a charm.
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    @AlexDeLarge Totally agree. I'm french, here the dates are DD/MM/YYYY but I think YYYY-MM-DD is the only way to go. It makes much more sense. Biggest unit to lowest one.
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    Either ISO 8601 or UNIX timestamps.
  • 3
    @Byscripts If you're French, you should use ISO formatted YYYY-MM-DD. It's the official standard in the EU.

    So the "European format" isn't officially used in Europe anymore... Not that that official depreciation has been noted by EU citizens.
  • 4
    @bittersweet @bittersweet tbh no one cares about ISO, although they came up with some of the best ways of categorizing, naming and sorting things. It's so sad. :/
  • 1
    @nnmrts Yep.

    Although when it comes to keyboards I prefer ANSI 😜
  • 1
    @bittersweet See, that's what they all say...

    "BuT I PrEfEr aNsI"
    "BuT I PrEfEr mM/Dd/yY"

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    @cafecortado beat me to it
  • 15
    "Let's meet for drinks on the twentieth fortnight posterior to the second to last solar eclipse of the four great dozen lustrums, at a small gross of pendulum ticks after high noon"
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    C:geo blame on you
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    Pssh fear not, the default JavaSE8 API has an amazing way to handle the times.
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    @fasttime Are there any other logical way than this? I couldn't agree more, YYYY-MM-DD should be the defacto standard everywhere
  • 5

    I'm using ISO, I was just explaining how dates are written in french, to say that they makes no sense ^^

    Why... 24/05/1981... Luckily we don't write time the same... Imagine "your trip lasted 2 seconds 45 minutes 3 hours and 8 days"
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    @fun2code same here,it's friendlier to tume zones
  • 0
    @AlexDeLarge it indeed is the best. I wonder if there is any country where it's the official format...
  • 1
    In terms of sorting data, YYYY/MM/DD is best. In terms of general usage, MM/DD/YYYY is most common in NA because people typically say it like "September, Seventeenth" not "The Seventeenth of September". Both are perfectly acceptable, however.
  • 2
    @Digital I get your point, but it all depends on the context. If you use dates to keep track of information that spans years and decades, your format is great. But if you use it to keep track of the current date, the most obvious thing is what year we are in and the second most obvious thing is the month. If people look at these for date tracking, the most urgent piece of information is the day, the month and year are easy to know both by context or becouse you have to only know it's a new month monthly, and new years yearly.

    I still like yours YYYY-MM-DD the most becouse it avoids most confusions with other formats.

    What I'd love to have is a different number format for months, maybe roman or something else.
  • 2
    Sane people ftw! yyyy-mm-dd is the only logical way to do it. And hh:mm:ss after that. Everything is in the correct order of magnitude that way hence perfect sortability.

    Though for looks or when I'm writing a date I often use 3 Oct 2017 'cus I like how it looks, plus it's unambiguous unlike mm/dd/yy. May that terrible format die a slow painful death for its sins against humanity.
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