
Please kindly fuck off. I don't need your genderbiased bullshit. I couldn't care less about a programmer's gender.
I'm also aware about the margin between the numbers of female and male dev who want to study CS, but if you seriously think that a learning algorithm is biased on gender and ethnic it's creator, I will have to kindly remind you that math doesn't support an output based on your gender.

Now please get the fuck off my sacred newsfeed...

  • 104
    Feminism was wonderful until it turned marxist; now it's just inane and destructive.
  • 40
    Too important to leave to men. Because men f up everything they touch and women never f up. This is sexist as f. Next it will be voting.
  • 63
    I hate how this shit paints women. Way to fuck up feminism, girls. Outstanding job.
  • 50
    "Oh the AI twitter bot said racist, sexist stuff, must be bias from the devs"

    No asshat, it's learning from twitter, land of racist and sexist shit
  • 7
    And that's how you get Drumpf as your commander in chief.
  • 60
    This image should explain everything
  • 18
    Too important to leave to men?
    Good thing I identify as a software fucking developer, then innit?
  • 24
    I'm all for a 50-50 ratio, but with parents still buying spaceship lego for boys and telling girls: "It's OK you failed math, your mother wasn't good at it either" — you can't counter that bias later in life, not without it being artificial and forced. That's where the fight should take place.

    No one is getting bonus points for gender or race from me. Discrimination always makes things worse.

    Imagine being a girl and hearing the words: "Yeah you were actually not really suited for this job, but we hired you because of your gender". As if that it's not a giant insult.
  • 20
    "Too important for men", what a sexist line coming for so called equality seekers.

    "we risk ending up living in a world that resembles a teenage boy’s smelly bedroom"

    i hope you choke on your narcissism.

  • 9
    The US has lost its mind. They are going full cannibalism. They are forgetting there on the same team xD

    It's only going to get worse the bottom is going to drop out of the dollar. Resulting in a worse situation than Greece 2008.

    For those in the US start moving money overseas Swiss Singapore etc or into gold.
    You can use your credit card and pay with gold instead of dollars.

    When the dollar collapses and it will your money will be worth dick. they might raise the debt sealing again this will make a bad situation worse. The politicians and media are going to focus on the opposite side. Then you'll have full mayhem. + A ton of weapons...
  • 17
    Can you imagine the global outrage if someone said "this is too important for woman to do".

    Fuck off.
  • 12
    Feminism was original the idea of equal rights. What meant equal opportunity. A man and woman can get the same education. A man and women with the same drive and education, can reach the same heights. If you qualify you're qualified.

    Todate feminism changed to equal outcome for every men that earns x a woman has to earn x. No matter the education or the drive. And even beyond that because men have been "on top" now woman have to be to take "what is owed/revenge". Do not take into account a woman has to givebirth because you'll get shot. Don't say that biologically a woman has the instinct to be home and care for the baby's you will get shot. And don't say a woman is supposed to give to a baby you will get shot. Because a men can give milk too...
    This is my personal interpretation of what I see and hear being said by feminists nowadays.

    For more information.
  • 6
    @Triskelion Marxism is not about everyone earning the same, no matter what and how much he or she works. This is a common lie which is neither in the manifesto of the communist party, nor in any other document about marxism. No marxist thinks that would be a good thing to do. Instead, it's (amongst many other things) about equal pay for equal work.

    I am - as you might have guessed - politically active and know very many people who consider themselves feminist. Yet, I've never heard anyone of them saying any of the points you described. They are "normal" feminists, just like myself: we want equal pay for equal work as well as equal opportunities for everyone, no matter the gender, ethnicity or other backgrounds. Not more and not less.

    What you call "today's feminism" is actually just a very small percentage of all feminists. But that's how things work: The people who scream the loudest get the most attention.
  • 6
    @wildcard Judging from all the news and incidents I am reading about in the US, they also get the most influence and not nearly as much universal and strict opposition to their paranoid ideas
  • 2
    @YouDontMatter I can't tell anything about feminism in the US. I'm living in Germany, and as far as I experienced, there are far less idiotical "feminists" than true ones. Also, they don't have much influence at all.
  • 5
    @wildcard Yes that's why I spoke specifically about US. Things look weird there.
  • 8
    I was pointing towards the USA. As I was in the comment previous to it.

    "If you are not a liberal at twenty, you have no heart; if you're not a conservative at forty, you have no brain."
  • 3
    @Triskelion Actually, you quoted that wrongly. Also please explain why people have no brain if they're "liberals" (I won't even correct here that you and your kind always calls everything that is more on the left than you a "liberal", which is not true because I'm on the far left while still not being a liberal, but that's another discussion) in their forties.
  • 6
    @wildcard if you dont understand the connection between new age feminist and marxism in the U.S. please take a look at the activists in following organisations: ANTIFA, BLM, BDS... All supporters claim to be "revolutionary feminists" figures.

    Be prepared to loose your mind about all their craziness and flawed reasoning. They're driving American campuses insane.
  • 6
    Could there be different versions of that qoute...
    You say my kind...? I thought I was just another human being. Apparently i'm from some group🤔
    If you want to know more look for opposing views points and develop your own ideas.
    But I am not going to go into a political discussion on devRant
  • 2
    @bioDan Antifa is not an organisation. Every antifascist group can call itself Antifa. Also, yes, their members are feminists. There is no antifascism without feminism. But most people active in antifascist organisations aren't even marxist, they're anarchists (at least here in Germany). There is a huge difference between Marxism and Anarchism.
  • 1
    @Triskelion "you and your kind" = you and the people who generalize the word "liberal" for everyone who is left wing, no matter what his actual believes are. That's not a "group" or something, it's something all of you conservatives (see what I did there?) have in common.
    Also if you don't want political discussions, don't start one. If you do, expect people with other points of views to respond.
  • 8
    Im talking about the U.S. and North America, i have no idea what goes on in Germany.

    and ANTIFA in the U.S. is a nationwide organisation which claims to be anti fascit but actually is the biggest fascit organisation i have ever seen.

    Like in Marxism ideology, group identity and equality of outcome is all that matters for these people. But they do act like Anarchists too. So while they have a Marxist ideology, you can say they are practically Anarchists.
  • 1
    @bioDan Neither group identity nor equality of outcome are the real goals of Marxism. Please look up what Marxism is before you spread lies thinking they were true because everyone tells them.
  • 8
    @wildcard Well... I get you are really into this ideology.
    Sorry but its bullshit.
    i bet that the soviet union and Mao's china werent Marxists based Communism either in your eyes.

    More recently whats going on in Cuba or Venezuela is also not Marxist communism gone wrong, right?


    learn the ideological difference between the two of them before you pick a side. If you claim to know the differences then please share instead of saying "i have no time for it, so go check for yourself" or anything like that.
  • 8
    Where did I talk about left wing? I have not said anything about left or right... I think you are thinking in terms or left right.

    "Sometimes it's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt"

    Antifa are fascists as well as the alt-right they're one and the same. They just don't see it, because they look through there colored glasses. Why do I say this? Read a book about fascism Germany will have plenty on the subject if theire not censured. And you will find that the behaviors and ideas are one and the same.
  • 6
    @bioDan PREACH 🙏🙏🙏
  • 6
    @blind welcome to devRant! I usually talk about programming related stuff but in this case my political daemon service just started like a cron job.
  • 3
    @bioDan Haha I understand completely
  • 16
    This escalated quickly. But that headline is bullshit. It's driven by the feminist agenda, which is also bullshit. In the beginning, it was about equality in that everyone deserves an equal shot. Feminism has grown into this beast where the true agena is superiority, not equality. Like every special interest group, there's ideals in the inception that grow and distort until it becomes as corrupt as that which is was conceived to fight.
  • 18
    I don't have room for the thousands of pages of responses I have to this topic.

    Marxism is about revolution and wealth redistribution. It takes a minority, convinces them they're oppressed (real or not) and urges them to take what's "rightfully theirs" by whatever means necessary. It culminates in oppressing the oppressors. This is what's going in in the feminist movement.

    Feminism isn't racist or sexist? I'll leave these words here: "Fucking white male!" and "Cishet trash!" Or with antifa, how about "every white person is racist" and "you can't be racist against whites"?

    How about: It wasn't real Marxism? every good communist says "that wasn't real communism" when communism fails somewhere. And it has failed every. single. time. "But this isn't communism!" You say. Socialism (Democratic or not), communism, etc.; their end goal is always the same: the absolute and total consolidation of power and wealth in the hands of the few, always done through wealth redistribution.
  • 8
    @Ashkin preach!
  • 6
    Don't upvote me saying preach. Upvote @Ashkin because she nailed it.
  • 2
    I guess that upvote was @MissDirection
  • 4
    @MissDirection thanks! ^_^

    (Though I rather preferred your explanation ~)
  • 4
    @Ashkin ❤️
  • 2
    Antifa is not an organisation anywhere. Not in the us either.
  • 5
    I've been thinking it would fun to infiltrate Antifa just to troll them or make fake Antifa website which makes them look dumber than the currently are
  • 4
    @nicholai ofcourse it is.

    Antifa Berkeley for example is an organisation in the sense that it is a group of people with different roles, a hierarchy and are organized around a common goal.

    They also organise their rallies and attack strategies in protests.

    They communicate their experiences with other Antifa groups around the U.S. as well.
  • 4
    @bioDan But aren't they supposed to be anarchists? And therefore against exactly that kind of organization?
  • 3
    @Ashkin yes, but anarchists in the relative sense, to mainstream society. From their point of view they are conservative (also even radical) towards their communist goals.
  • 5
    @bioDan from my point of view they're scary and fucking insane.
  • 4
    @Ashkin yeah.. On the positive side i think its just a phase.
    too bad a lot of people, mostly innocent, will get hurt as a result of their stupidity.
  • 3
    @bioDan i sure hope youre right 🙁
  • 1
    @bioDan I very specifically said antifa and not antifa berkeley, now, didn't i?
  • 3
    @nicholai i dont understand your point. Yes, semantically you did only said "antifa", sorry, i misinterpreted it to "antifa berkley" and all the other anarchy groups related to "antifa" which are just harming everyone else in north american universities
  • 2
    Holy fuck, how much of this is @bioDan ?
  • 1
    @bioDan well since you mentioned Antifa and not Antifa Berkeley in your comment, I am not wrong to assume that you meant Antifa. Antifa is a militant anti-fascist strategy or the broader movement employing the former. Antifa Berkeley might be an organisation, that associates itself with this movement.
  • 3
    @nicholai true i did mention only Antifa. This is because i wasn't talking only about Antifa Berkeley. I also include Antifa USA, Antifa California, Antifa Boston, and many such NGO's which all have "Antifa" in their name, I felt safe to categorise them all under the Antifa umbrella.

    Btw, they are all fascists and anarachist groups who claim to hate all fascists but themselves.

    @GhostFish, its 10/50, i.e. 20% for the replies in this rant and still going strong! 💪
  • 11
    Just gonna leave this here.
  • 6
    Antifa suppresses free speech (anything they don't agree with) and targets political adversaries with violence. How is that not fascist?
  • 4
    @Ashkin most "liberal" special interest groups that claim to want to help us act this way, sadly.
  • 3
    @MissDirection Why are we not friends yet?
  • 4
    @Ashkin I think we are ❤️
  • 4
    @Ashkin and @MissDirection and all others who are on the right side of history on this issue, I thank you. I often feel alone in the coder profession as a conservative with common sense who is against militant feminism, Antifa, the Alt-Right, and Marxism. It's good to know others like me exist in this world.
  • -1
    are we still talking about this?

    Make a choice between love and fear.

    Move on
  • 2
  • 2
    @kenogo Let me see if I understand your argument:
    1. AI is not about 'learning an algorithm, in fact it's the most ridiculous shit you've ever heard.
    2. AI is going to become a big part of our lives therefore WE need to decide how it will work in our society.
    3. Population isn't really represented by developers.
    4. It would be irresponsible to leave the development of AI completely in the hand of coders.

    Pont 1 is a non sequitur because obviously you heard more ridiculous shit than that and although it doesn't summarize accurately what AI is all about, it is a crucial part of developing an AI system.

    Points 2, and 3 are *facts* you use to infer Point 4 - which is also a non sequitur - because data scientists, mathematicians, and other STEM related field professionals take place in the development of corporate level AI systems (as opposed to a coder doing a personal project).
    This has to do with gender as it has to do with age, relatively insignificant to AI development.
  • 2
    @kenogo Democracy was invented and developed mostly by men. Men as a whole are not taking/getting credit for this. This is because the gender of the inventor HAS NOTHING TO DO with its actual application in society.

    Also, if you ever try to develop an AI system, you'd know that the OLAP output gets to your audience - and so YOUR AUDIENCE is what matters. E.g. - If you develop an AI system for vegetarians to help them choose their most nutritious meal, any input from a carnivorous like me would be irrelevant and will only pollute the results.

    Adding a different perspective to the design of an AI system by non-STEM people can be helpful but it depends on a case-to-case basis as AI is such a generalization. But if we are talking about generalizations here, ONLY STEM people are required to develop an AI system. Adding other types of people to the mix is purely OPTIONAL as it can prove to be either deterring or promoting towards the goals the AI is expected to achieve.
  • 5
    I'm actually positively surprised by devRant. Was expecting some silicon valley SJW bullshit with lots of brain-washed slogans. Happy to see there's more sane people here. I love you ranters.
  • 2
    "dominated" is a word frequently resorted to, whether consciously or subconsciously, in describing male representation in any profession or group. But that gives a false impression that every man in any position of authority is a cigar-chomping, fat, balding, misogynist who is conniving, plotting, planning, and looking for every way possible to keep women under a jackboot of oppression.

    Speaking as a man, we just aren't that organized. And I've been on the planet long enough to observe that most "sins" of the patriarchy are in the omission category. Most times we just fall prey to the law of averages and the law of large groups. That is, we tend to congregate to and add people to groups that look like us and think like us. It's a phenomenon that can and does happen in feminist circles as well. (Continued...)
  • 2
    The problem, as I see it, is that conflict is being created in harmful ways by people who are more interested in retribution and payback than in actual equality. A certain desire for popularity and virtue signaling is at play also. That kind of activity and attitude helps no one. It doesn't build bridges. It burns them.
  • 2
    This stupid shit is how society crumbles.
  • 2
    My 2 cents - It's a pretty dumb argument to say that it's too dangerous to leave an AI up to it's creator. Obviously, the writer of that article had no clue what she was talking about (God save Southampton CS kids). There was no mention of Tay, Watson or any other AI which went completely wrong because of their learning environment. If you take a bot designed by a hardcore feminist and put it into a nazi environment for learning, the bot will obviously be a nazi.. Her whole premise is based off of a quote by Karen Sparck back in the day which said "Computing is too important to be left to men" or more correctly "left only to men" when there were literally no women in tech. Mis-interpreting that to AI and using that to rant about her outrage for the Google memo seems not only stupid and mis-directed but also sexist.
  • 1
    @bittersweet the education system is currently optimized for girls. Girls are more likely to do well in highschool, go to university and get a first and an advanced degree.
  • 0

    That might be the case, but what is the value of an "advanced degree" beyond debt?

    Finding the career which makes you successful and happy should be the determining factor.

    I dislike the style of debate where everything is a polarizing war, about oppressors vs victims. There are deeply rooted biases in society, but they hurt both men and women. From a young age kids are told to like certain colors, toys, clothes... then hobbies and school subjects, then relations and careers.

    My girlfriend turned 28 with a master in ethnolinguistics before she found out she really loves math, physics and astronomy. Now she feels like she could have spent that $30k + decade better, like it's a setback caused by choices influenced by sexist pedagogical bias.

    And personally, having taught some basic CS classes at an elementary school, you sometimes get really fucked up remarks from parents as a male teacher...
  • 0
    And I truly think this is something we can't "correct" with some "science for girls" classes.

    That just differentiates kids along gender lines further. There's really no need to paint schoolbooks in pink and blue, or do anything special at all. All you have to do is buy your kid (boy OR girl) a book about geology or a computer course or dance lessons if they show interest.
  • 1
    Amen. You are not male, you are not female, you are a programmer. All that matters is that you write good code
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