
Hey everyone!

I'm on the hunt for new and exciting languages!

I'll state the ones I already know:
Python, Haskell, C(++), C#, Java, JavaScript, Ruby, Rust, Lua, about every kind of Basic, some branches of Lisp, BrainF**k, assembly, Octo (Chip-8) and GML(basically JavaScript).

I've also learnt some styling languages:
Html, CSS, Markup and Markdown.

Some misc languages too: Regex and a runny bit of the Wolfram Language.

Also I'm kind of limited to Windows, Linux and Android, as I do not own any Apple hardware except I have access to an old iPad, so are languages like Swift still good?


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    @JonnyCodewalker thank you! This is exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for!

    Sounds good, slick as Ruby, fast as C, good motto in my opinion 😉
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    @JonnyCodewalker yeah, so is it like JavaScript, or is it completely client side? Like Python? Or C?
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    Swift is cool and not just for iOS. I'd recommend it when you're done checking out Crystal. 😜
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    @JonnyCodewalker Holy cow, can't wait to get started! I should get some sleep! Thank you again for showing me this awesome new language!
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    @spongessuck wait, it's not just for iOS? Do you know any programs that have been made with Swift (just interested)?
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    Okay gotta get some sleep ... 💤
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    I've been meaning to have a play with c2, have a look for me!
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    So this isn't so much an answer to what language to learn next but more what topic to learn next:
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    How can I expect to get any dev job when there is someone out there like you :/
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    @coolq not off the top of my head, but I know there are a few cross platform toolchains like RemObjects' elements compiler where you can use Swift for .net and Java/Android development.
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    If I may ask, what to do you plan by learning these many languages?

    Also, check out Elixir.
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    Elm, Julia
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    You might have a look at J. It's only useful in a pretty limited domain, but it has some neat concepts.
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    Oh my. What would you want to learn so many languages like that.Just master one or two really well. Then coupled with a good understanding of CS , you are good to go
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    @JonnyCodewalker We are probably looking at closer to 2018 or 2019 for version 1.0, but Crystal is an awesome language
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    As a styling language, I suggest you dive into TeX
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    Some people are asking why I would want to learn another language. I, for some reason, love them. That's why I make interpreters 😉

    @JonnyCodewalker I've been learning Crystal, looks good! Got a way to go though, but it helps that it is so similar to Ruby and Python. And yet it's still compiled(I think)!

    @Jamoyjamie I think I found your Twitter 😉

    Thank you, this seems like it will be helpful for jobs and just general stuff!

    @tahnik while I know a lot of languages, it doesn't mean I'm better you, or anyone else!

    @spongessuck ah okay, that would make Swift a bit more useful to me 😉

    @Faraaz I'm interested in how languages work, I can learn a language a lot faster when I know the in's and the outs. Thanks for suggesting Elixir!

    @theScientist Hehe! I spend way too much time programming. Does it sound more impressive if I tell you that I'm fifteen? (Trying to not be too immodest, kind of)

    @mrb101 I appreciate your suggestions! More for the to-learn list!
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    Just extending to my previous post to include everyone, I appreciate all the comments!

    @7400 thank you! Another one for my to-learn list!

    @kp15 sounds interesting, do you mind telling me more?

    @bdhobare I kind of have, I've learnt C#, Python and C++.

    @redstonetehnik haven't heard of that, TeX? I'll add it to my to-learn list!

    @nicholai another one for my to-learn list!
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    Thank you everyone for these suggestions, I have a lot on my plate now! I'm still open to more suggestions, but I have a limit to my capabilities, to I obviously can't guarantee that I will master then all, but I will at least try them 😉

    Thanks everyone! Any suggestions welcome.
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    @coolq ha ha ha 😉
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    @Jamoyjamie what is c9 btw?
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    @JonnyCodewalker yeah as Someone that is constantly chatting with the whole dev team it seems very unrealistic to get to v1 by January. Even getting there by the end of 2018 is a stretch.
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    @coolq C2 😉 it's a reimagining of C, basically trying to make it a little safer and neater to write but without losing the raw essence of it I think 🙂
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    What are those? Are they web services? What do they do?

    Darn, I'm sure they'll get there though, better I start learning it now before everyone else, then I'll be ahead of the curb 😉

    Ah okay, haven't heard of it, I'll check it out!

    Darn autocorrect! I meant C2 xD
    Well it does sound interesting, I don't know when I'll get around to it, because I've got so much to learn! Maybe in a week or two?

    @theScientist yeah, I probably have, I remember someone was asking how old other people were and things, maybe from there? It's not that weird, but it would have seemed creepy if you didn't say that you knew from another comment x)
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    There's also Dlang, its a upgrade from C, same as Golang in many ways
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    @byte ah cool!
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