
Everything was going well, finally could put some money aside and I literally thought 'if nothing breaks down this month, I'll have a good month of savings :D'.

I should definitely not have fucking thought that.

Well, RIP phone. Let's search for a new one.


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    What happened?
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    @windlessuser Well I'm anti google so I don't want any google shit on it! (or blocking everything through the firewall!) and my budget is less than 200 so yah.

    @iihirotoii The charging port. The fucking pins have been crushed somehow :/

    Thinking about maybe going for the Maze Alpha now!
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    @linuxxx that's why I had recommended it. Stock android, so you'd only need to block gapps. But yeah that budget is problematic. You'd need to compromise on a lot
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    Get Moto G Series, Unlock it flash AOSP based ROM + skip Gapps tada!
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    @iihirotoii hmm and older moto G might be lacking in a few things. Worth a shot though
  • 8
    I know your phone breaking is a hassle but you plan to put some money away is a great long term strategy. It works!
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    @windlessuser I meant newer G4 ones do have good Dev support and it is also possible to port AOSP to new ones if Moto has released the kernel source's, it would take some work to get the device tree setup though!πŸ˜…
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    The Huawei 5X is great. You can easily block the Google shit. It costs exactly 200 dollars.
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    I don't know about you guys but I got a pretty good deal, HTC One M8 for ~180$ AUD (approx 160$ US).

    I installed S. Team on it, I got it refurbished, no problems so far!

    It came with no scratches, and I've had it for a while now. Only problems I've had is when I do root stuff that ends up crashing my phone x)

    I've always managed to fix it out of those states, so pretty good phone!

    They gave me a clear case, charger (with brick), hard plastic screen protector.

    Speakers are good, screen is great, camera is good, hardware is okay, build is excellent, all metal. Love this phone ;)
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    @PrivateGER Oh, also you can easily unlock the bootloader online.
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    @Jumpshot44 Yeah too badly this kinda shit happens 😫
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    @PaddiM8 Tbh going to try to put stock android WITHOUT Google apps on it :) (the phone once I have it)
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    Me old Nokia 3310 still lives to serve another day :p
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    @PaddiM8 Yeah there are multiple I thought... might look into that but on the other hand, getting warranty (like when something breaks) would mean I'd have to send it to china... which might cost the same as a new phone xD.
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    Hmm fair enough. Still gonna look into that Maze Alpha phone though :D @PaddiM8
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    @Linuxxx How do you install apps without gapps. Do you just sideload everything?
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    @PaddiM8 Don't buy Xiaomi Phones if you care about rooting etc, they have made it harder to unlock bootloader in their new lineup. You have to register an account and then apply for bootloader unlocking, and if you get lucky you will be able to unlock it or else have a hard time with custom ROM, rooting, kernels etc.
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    @hookless123 Yeah. Also there are other app markets.
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    @PrivateGER but isn't that potentially dangerous side loading Android apps?
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    @hookless123 Not really. You just need to know the correct sources.
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    Oh no!!!! I'm so sorry! I have an older android that still has pretty good battery life. Would send it to you if you wanted it. Just so you can take your time finding one. It's just by older, I mean ~5 years.
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    @QueenMorgana Awhhh that's so sweet! I'm currently using my own 'backup' phone but the thing is that the battery drains in about 1-2 hours. I think I have already decided which new phone to buy though yay!
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    @linuxxx ok :) hopefully you were able to export and backup all your profiles that you needed off your old phone!
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    @QueenMorgana Wasn't able to backup my tox ID too badly (:/) but got a lot of stuff off before it died yes :)
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    @linuxxx good. Bummer about Tox, but as long as you have most of your stuff, it's better than it could be.
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    @QueenMorgana Yeah true and especially since I discovered it wasn't charging anymore at around 10 percent haha
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    @linuxxx oh man!!!! That's close! Lol

    I switched to my warranty replacement phone a few days ago and am still logging into everything lol
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    @QueenMorgana Oh I can imagine xD. This is not a warranty phone though as it's a chinese one but just a backup phone I used to use as my normal one :)
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    @linuxxx if I set up 2fa linked to that old phone, I'm screwed, right? I didn't even think of that
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    @QueenMorgana Uhm yeah if that's another number pretty much haha
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    @linuxxx it's the same number. But I didn't think to back the codes up. Oh boy. Life just got interesting.
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    @QueenMorgana Oo no clue but let's hope it works out well!
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    Buy a wireless charger. I got 2 more years out of my phone when the charge port broke
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    @stevemk14ebr My phone doesn't have that ability 😞
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    @stevemk14ebr Also, i can't text with it and since WhatsApp is a requirement over here and I do NOT use that, texting is kinda required :P
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    @PaddiM8 Which one?
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    @windlessuser that phone is so... "basic." If you're looking for a cheap phone, you're better off with a one plus 3 or 3T. The one plus 5 got a price bump, so it isn't as cheap. But if you have the budget that's also a great phone.
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    @linuxxx how can you be anti Google? What's wrong with Google services?
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    I don't know in your region, but I had my little troll stolen a few years ago, and I was in this wave also to want to save some money.

    I ended up buying a phone from Alcathel, do not know if sells out of Brazil, however, it is even good for the basic day of the day, unless you want a phone to play and etc, I'm sorry, it's not going to work.

    But if you don't use phone for anything other than links, messengers and derivatives, it can be a good choice for you and it's very cheap anyway.
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    @Sydochen One can be anti Google by valuing their privacy and not wanting to be in the Big Data bubble from google/fb etc. Also I'd rather stay out of PRISM :)
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    @PaddiM8 Non-detachable :/
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    @PaddiM8 The whole row of pins is flat xD. Need another one anyways but was hoping i could wait a few weeks :)
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    @PaddiM8 idk :/
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    @Jop- The app is actually way better than before! Yeah it sucked battery like nothing and hardly had features but I think even voice/video calling should work now and although it consumes a lot of battery (hey the constant polling takes power yes), way less than before!
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    @hookless123 A lot of what I use is available in F-Droid and except for that, the only app I'll need to sideload is devRant, since signal is also downloadable from their site now yay :). But yeah except for that, side loading it is!
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    @Jop- I am enjoying Tax (got it to talk to @Linuxxx and have a few other friends who have started using it, too.) I just wish my ToxID on laptop and phone were the same.
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    @QueenMorgana @Jop- Yeah it's awesome imo! I have been using it for years now and mostly using it with people who need to video/voice (or want to) call with me but I am not comfy using skype and this nearly has the same usability so yah :)
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    @QueenMorgana @linuxxx can't you just do a full app backup with titanium and search for the tox id? or is it stored in the android key store (not sure about the official name of it).
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    @niederschlag I exported to sd and back when I switched phones. But computer uses a different app
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    @QueenMorgana so the id transfer between the phones was successful, right? Can't you check where the desktop app is saving the id and just replace it with your mobile one?
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    @niederschlag I could try. Might be able to do it. Hopefully it doesn't freak out with multiple sessions...
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    @matsaki95 surveillance program by the NSA.
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    I usually keep eye on latest OnePlus models, I would definitely go 1+5t

    Idk how you broke your phone but I'm one hell of careless person who keeps dropping phone almost daily. My Nexus 5 I bought in June 2014 has been dropped 800 times out of some 1100 days of being used and still running perfectly, only had the battery replaced once. I've a similar protector with a layer of dragon glass(better than tempered glass) on screen as it is called in the market(not GoT one, although I hope it helps in case of wight walker outrage🀣).
    LineageOS works too damn well and I tinker a lot
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